Chapter 12:The big city

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Shadow point of view

Me and tails got our bags full and got on his plane "what city are we going"I asked him and he smiled "sonic told me once he came from a city name Christmas Island but it's a city on a island"tails told me but that just sound confusing but at least he knows where we are going

We than landed on the ground the city looked small and trashy it had broken roads and broken buildings we than got out of the plane and grabbed our bags and started walking we saw some people in sketchy clothes "this is kinda sketchy"I said and tails nodded we saw one women stealing money from a old man "we need to help him"Tails said we were running towards them than the old man took out a gun

He shot the women and grabbed all of  her belongings "Maybe it's better we don't trust anyone here hehe"I said nervously but tried to stay strong for tails like sonic does "Let's go ask some people some questions about sonic or if they know him"Tails responded and started running towards the first person we saw


4 hours later

"We asked everyone in town shadow"He than fell on the floor and sat there "we can't give up on sonic there must be something, maybe records?"I suggested and tails pop back up "Your right we can go to the town hall and see sonics records"And that's when tails touch my shoulder and I said "chaos-."

"-control"And we went inside and tails looked for the letter S in abc order "hmm Samantha, shamel, stella"It was taking a while and he finally said "Nothing"I was surprised and he was too "Are you sure it's not there?"And he said "no"

"Remember scourge maybe someone will know him and than recognize sonic"I said and we got out and asked people and than went to a alley "So your looking for scourge"And we turn around and see someone in a black hoodie and had a knife in its hand "ye..yes sir"Tails said and I got in front of him to protect him "He's dead so there is no point"The stranger said

"Do you know his brother"I asked

"Yes why"the stranger said getting closer

"Because we are but in a pickle with him and need to solve a problem"Tails said going in front of me

"Than I know the perfect person for you to talk to"and we started following him and we end up in a bar it's actually the most nicest thing we have seen so far from the city "Here she is"and he left "a she?"I said

"Hello I'm Fiona how may I help you"The fox said and cleaning one of the cups behind the counter "well we want to know what happen to scourge and his brother"Tails said while I keep eye contact at him than she frowned

"We had this group called bagger and I was the leader of the gang and we needed more people to join because one of our people quit, so scourge and mauriece came and we interview them and scourge was not as strong as mauriece so we said not him and mauriece said he want him in too and so we say yes but we always bullied scourge and one day beating scourge up mauriece caught us and got so mad he turned chaotic and his got turned black he killed most of my crew before he got me he accidentally hit scourge and he died than mauriece than flew away and never saw him again"She said

"Mauriece?That isn't his name it's sonic"I said looking back at tails and back at Fiona "Thx for your help let's go shadow"Nad I followed tails back to the town hall "I'll look at the M section"

3 hours later

"Found it"Tails shouted

"Show me tails"and he handed me it

We than found three files on sonic and we read the whole thing about his life

It seems that he has a dark form and did killed his brother he had a lot of body counts/how many people he killed

We than ran back to the plane and started flying back home

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They have found more information than ever and sorry if I write mauriece wrong pls tell me so I don't do the same mistake

Thank you the story almost done

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