Chapter 9:suicide

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Sonic point of view

I was at shadows dinner I was really hungry and felt something come over me I didn't want to eat that and shadow came to me and said "eat it your food will get cold"I just stayed quiet most of the time and zone out than I heard dark said

That's nasty food I know something that will taste much nicer for you and me

I flinch my ear when I heard that and listen for the right moment and decided to listen to him because I have awaken him and that means I'm part of him now and have his traits but I can't still control myself I think when was the last time this happen?

I than got up and said "I'm leaving"and without care I left the house and ran to my house.I was faster than my usual speed that's probably from dark

I open my door and went inside he than told me to go to the bathroom and I did and saw the two dead body's and my eyes started to widen and told myself no don't do it

But I couldn't resist and the body's looked so delicious

The more I use dark the more I become him this is becoming a problem

Before I knew it I was eating the body a lot, it felt so good I haven't ate in days I was eating it obsessively and dark was enjoying it too from the inside eating up too

Than I heard a creak behind me and I turned around it was "a..Amy"My eyes widen and looked down I was covered in blood and skin she looked scared and she said " what are you doing stop it's not funny"she looks so scared

I grinned for some reason and got up and push her chin up so she's force to look at me and than let go "No what are you doing here huh?Oh I know because your a stalker, a crazy women who chases the poor headghoge around always trying to make me fall in love with you"She started to tear up but hold her tears I grinned even more

"Well it didn't work it make me hate you even more you are a physco you shouldn't exist in this world, you should just kill your self it'll make everything so much more easier for everybody"
She than started crying and ran away and I continue eating I don't know what came over me but I enjoyed it.

Amy point of view

Sonic has insulated me so much I couldn't believe it, this isn't sonic he than said I should just kill myself maybe he-he's right I than ran away crying

I went to my house and locked myself in my room crying and took out a note and a pencil and wrote my last word for my friends and than grabbed my knife and took one last glance before I cut my neck off and I screamed in agony and....


No one point of view

ABC news

New just came in we have discovered a dead body in Amy's rose house it was caused by suicide she seemed have killed herself and have left a note for her friends it says

Dear friends, this is Amy and I want to say the only reason I did suicide is because of sonic if there anyone to blame it's sonic that night I followed him and he was doing weird things in the bathroom he was eating some dead stuff and when he heard me and he started talking bad about me and killing myself so I decided he was right I love you all I hope you live a happy life and glad I won't be in your way goodbye

Your friend Amy

And recorded time she have done this last night and was discovered when a rotting smell in her house and we dented some police men to recover the body

That's abc new's we're out!

Tails point of view

"That can't be"I than turned off the tv when it started to play Barney the purple dinosaur "sonic will never do such a thing and Amy our friend than I heard a huge knock on the door I than open it and one angry knuckle head came in and said "Why did sonic do that?Something wrong with that headghoge he's sick in the mind"He than broke my table while still punching it "I don't know he was acting weird last night maybe we should go check on him

Knuckles look at me and nodded "your right let's go kick his but"I than followed knuckles to sonics house and outside the windows were closed and locked and the door too and there was no light in the house

I than knocked on the door with knuckles behind me "Sonic are you home"Than I heard him say "What do you want?You heard the news?well I'm not letting you in"Than knuckles started screaming like crazy "SONIC YOU SHOULD BE DEA-.."I covered his mouth because I don't want anything bad to happen

Than sonic open the door a little and left I open it more and it was completely pitch black "how do you see in this place sonic?"I asked when I enter with knuckles

Than the door closed now it was completely black.


How you liking the story

I'm sorry if I didn't put it yesterday I was busy with preparing the house for tornadoes catergory 3

What you think will happen will sonic turn completely evil or will tails and knuckles save him and what you think shadow is thinking wait till the next chapter

And I'll have more time to write stuck in the house since the tornado hope I'll not die bye

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