Chapter 6:he's back but the worse now starts

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No one point of view

Sonic and tails break from the hug
"Sonic how did you get back anyways you were acting different"tails said still holding Sonic's hand

Sonic than was confused "why do you mean 'back' I've been here ever since" Tails than responded back with a more mature voice "What's the last thing you remember Sonic?" Tails takes out the same note pad he used earlier

"Well uhh.."

I don't want tails to know that I call eggman to attack us because that is the last thing I can remember Sonic thought

"Hello Sonic where are you, come back to earth"said tails while shaking his hand in front of Sonic than he came back "The last thing I can remember is uhh.. You won't judge me right"Tails than nods his head

"Remember the fish that Amy made I hate fish and I didn't want to eat but the same time didn't want Amy to feel bad so I went to the bathroom" Tails than nod saying "When did you hate fish anyways we all know you went to the bath-"tails than was cut off my Sonic "there's more,.. I called eggman to attack and made a deal that I'll get hit by one attack only ONE did u made that clear" Tails was surprised what Sonic did to avoid fish

(I hate fish too guys blahh- narrator)

"Than what"tails asked, Sonic looked around the room and back at tails eyes "sooo, I said yes and that's the last thing I can remember"than tails saw a sweat drop fall of Sonic he knew he's nervous if he's gonna tell the others

"It's ok Sonic some people hate fish" Sonic nodded and than ask "what's the note book for" Tails looks at it and says "it's to keep track everything you say, here thisnis what happened after what you can't remember" Sonic than read everything "I, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG HATED CHILI DOGS what the eggman happen to me?"

"Well you got hit by his ray and made you lost memory's and you acted different also good thing I the ray didn't make you join eggman army"Sonic and tails than left the house to regroup with shadow, silver and knuckles

Shadow point of view

We waited almost a hour outside I than walk over to a tree and started to read a book while silver and knuckles slept in the other tree I than saw Sonic in the window

I stared for so long I didn't even notice

Why does my rival has to be so adorable

I just want to hold him just like last time and keep him close to me

Wait no that's weird I'm not gay not in a million years plus I'm like 50 years old and he's like 15 we can't be together

Shadows thinking ending

I than saw Sonic and tails come out "hey guys wakie wakie" Sonic said, when was the last time he was so annoying that means "Sonic your back" I than stand up and put my book away in my quils he looked at me and I blush and look away "yea shadow I'm back"he than went to silver and knuckles to wake them up

Knuckles than woke up and punch Sonic and he face "Stop knuckles leave Sonic alone" than everyone looked at me "did you just-"knuckles was about to say it but block his mouth with a rock and ran  to my house

Sonic point of view

I than look at tails and I nod my head and he nodded back I went after shadow it was like 6:56 and shadow goes to bed at 7:00 so I started going to his house and stop for some chili dogs and than to his house I made it and for some reason it was hard for me to knock his door

I than felt my heart beat faster and I was blushing I than jump and didn't know why I was acting like this, am in love with.... Shadow no he's my rival but he is kinda handsome

I than knocked the door and he answer  the door I got nervous and when I saw his face we looked in eachother eyes and than before we know it we kissed and he kissed back I put my hands behind his neck and he put his hands behind mine it felt like we kiss forever it was so passionate


Wow thy have finally kissed

Shadow: maybe ok we did but it felt good

Sonic: it was so passionate I think we're in love
Narrator : good for you two sonadow hehe

Sonic : we didn't agree to that nickname

Narrator : if you only know what people see you as (which is sonadow)

Bye guys chapter 7 is going to be made now

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