Chapter 7:sonadow

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Shadow point of view

We than let go of the kiss and I hugged him he than hugged me back

I was so happy that he wasn't mad than we let go I than said "Sonic I live you and I won't anyone steal you from me" Sonic than smile and responded "I love you too, I'll even give up tails for you"Than I gasp "I'll give up my big poofy white hair for you" we than both smile and went inside my house

We than went to sit in the couch and we make out than we heard a knock on the door and we quickly got up and than Sonic went to hide

Than I open the door and it was rouge and Amy "what do you want rouge" Rouge than walk in "That's not way to treat an old friend" She than grabbed my check and pulled it, I than growled at her "Stop it" She didn't stop so I took of her hand and pushher away "So what are you here for I was busy at the moment" Rouge than smirk

Amy and I was confused than I realized

Were we that loud, no we couldn't but rouge is a bat and has good hearing so that's probably why Amy didn't heard thank god she would have killed one of us

"Uhh... Rouge just get to the point what do you want"Rouge than said"I need you for a mission and bring your guns this one gonna be tough"

"Nothing tough for me"I than ran upstairs to grab my guns when I found Sonic smelling my clothes, I than smirked and took a picture he than realize and ran to me but I left too quickly cute I though

Than I went down stairs and leftbwith rouge for a mission

Sonic point of view

I was smelling shadows clothes and it smelled great especially his extra long fluff of hair hahaha I didn't even know he even had that

Than he came in and tooka photo I than chased him and he escaped

When the house sounded empty I left and went to tails house and went to my room I look around and felt strange so I decided to go for a run

I than though about eggman and has been 1 month since he attacked but that's normal

I stop at some flowers and looked at them and decided to sit around them I was thinking

What if I got together with shadow but my friends won't like it what if they judge me I did had a crush on him when we first met but I never told my friends I though

I than got angry and got up than started to destroy the flowers

I than saw my fur turn darker I than fall and turned darker before I knew it I was dark super Sonic

I than heard 'him' again

Hello Sonic

"He-..llo"I stuttered because if I fuel him even more he'll destroy the whole city

Sonic I know how you feel, you will have no problems if you kill them all

Since I was dark super Sonic we were both in view in my body, I than saw a smirk on me and I knew he was smirking not me

Let's go Sonic I want some killing sprees hahahhaah

I gulp and stayed quiet trying not to make him angry because if I do he'll kill one of my friends

I love when you stay quiet haha ha

Dark Sonic point of view

Sonic was quiet for the whole day he knew well since what happen in the past

I can feel my anger slowly fade away but i still had enough until night time so I decided to go the city and kill some mobians

I saw two girls it seems like they were shopping so I decided to either chop their heads off or kidnap them and break them in pieces

I than decided to kidnap them,so after that I jumped at them grab them in a bag and they were screaming "HELP PLS SOMEONE HELP"they were getting annoying so I putted a sleep spell

They were asleep i than ran home and tied them into a bed each of them into their own room

I than went to the first one and I made a dark ax and cut her first hand she than screamed in pain

I chopped off her other arm and more screaming can be heard, to end her miserable life I chopped of her head off and left it on the bed

Than I went to the other girls room and did the same to her and she screamed in pain even more than I grabbed their dead body and dig their body 9 feet underground

I started to feel dizzy and decided to go to bed knowing sonic will come back

"I will return "I said to him and fell to sleep

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