Chapter 8:hold me

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Sonic point of view

I didn't want to wake up, I was tired, weak ,and had a huge headache but the worst is to deal with the problem today

I hate when he has to use me for a whole day but it's my fault I got angry in the first place now I have two people dead in my backyard

What am I going to do about it, I'll just keep it a secret now I'm going back to sleep I'm not getting up today

I than heard a fight outside I dot scared and took a peek outside my window and it was just eggman and his robots fighting amy, shadow , and tails

I sigh and got ready to fight but I still had blood on me from last night so I putted on a jacket to cover it up

I went downstairs and got out the front door "hey guys what ya doing" I already know what they were doing but still I ask "what you think" I than roll my eyes and went to fight "why are you were that jacket sonic is it a new look because I think it looks fabulous"Amy said to me

"Umm it's just cold today nothing else"I said and still in my stance doing nothing to help, than I looked at shadow he was fighting very well than I got hit by a robot and I screamed in pain
"Ahhhhh that hurts ahhh my back"I than fell to the ground and everyone stare at me like it was nothing if they only knew the truth

Than eggman smirked "so that ray I hit you didn't make you in my team but it did made you badly hurt I should use it more"Eggman said

"It's not that eggman it's just uhh.. I woke up last night really late and I'm too tired so don't use that at my friends"I said back at him trying to stand up on my own, shadow saw this and tried to help

But the stubborn headghoge I am I didn't accept him even though I love him

"Sonic what's wrong with you, that can't be the reason that more pain than a night can cause who did this to you"I looked away but he hooded my chin softly and pull me to his eyes and we kissed

Tails and Amy were shocked and they proceeded on fighting eggman while we were doing our thing

Shadow let go and smiled at me, I never see him smile this was my first time seeing his smile it warm it almost made me tell him why


"Now tell me who did this"I started to cry when he kept asking me because I repeated the same event that happen last night, I only return him a hug and he hold me up I than put my face in his fur

He than left me in my house and went back to fighting, I felt empty without him I than started to walked to my bed and curled up and cried more "why me why did I have to be cursed"I than looked out my back window and looked at were dark hurried them

I felt these feeling just to bring them back to the surface, I felt the need to do it

It's like I was under a spell I went down starting to stop crying and got a shovel covered in blood and started digging than I grabbed them and locked them up in my bathroom than went back to sleep even more tired

Shadow point of view

It has been two days since I saw sonic since the fight since than I have been thinking about him so I decided to invite him over dinner also Amy,knuckles, tails , rouge , and silver

1 hour later since I made the food they came sonic came last with a depressing look, he looked very weak and had a scar in his hand when I notice it he pulled it away and sat done and zone out I than said "welcome everyone especially you sonic I like to declare me and sonic are dating it's no rumor

Some people who hasn't been in the fight was surprised and sonic was still staring at his food not touching it so I decided to sit next to him "sonic you better eat before it gets cold"he looked weak and hasn't ate for a long time

He looked at me and said "Is that I haven't ate in 2-.....Never mind I'm not hungry I'm just here to see everyone I'm planing something"he than looked back at his food and his ear twitch around randomly "You ok?"He looked at my soul and he nodded once and got up "I'm leaving"and before I could respond he left

Amy point of view

It's weird that sonic left like that he looked like he was going to collapsed I also said "Yea I think I forgot something at home guys bye"than left no one even bother to say bye rude

I followed sonic and he went inside his house he looked desperate he went upstairs and I climbed his roof he went to his bathroom and left the door open I couldn't see

I open his window and went inside and looked at the bathroom he was eating two dead body hard to see

I open his window and went inside and looked at the bathroom he was eating two dead body hard to see

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This is what the dead body look like (it was hard to find)

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