Chapter 3:memory

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Sonic point of view

In his brain

"Where am I?"

In your mind Sonic

"Who's there show yourself and how you know my name"

Let's just say I'm you but the selfish, angry, and evil part of you I'm really surprise for a hero who everyone loves has those qualitys

"I-i don't have that, that's not me stop lying im not evil"

Really hahahaha well you didn't say that when you were younger

I saw he had a huge grin "what do you mean"

You don't remember are you that old, when you were younge you were always the bad boy if that's what you called it hehe

"You might be evil but still you have the jokes bad boy!hahahhahah"I giggled a little than stop

So you always be mean, rude, and always bullying everyone else that's when I was born I you still had those action I should have been done in two years but after-

"What me bully everyone" I started sweating knowing what he is saying is true

Hehe you know that's true don't lie we all know how you killed your father and mother you than left with a gang for 2 years but one day you found your brother dead from the gang and you left to be good but we all know you still feel that obsession to hurt someone either mentalie or physically hehe

".... I-i..."I than look away from he kinda looks familiar he looks like ME "i-its... True, how do you know?"

Silly silly Maruece I am you, you already forgot? Hehehe I know what you feel I feel pain I seen every little thing you have been through even that scar in your left ear under your fur you check every day even that rodent tails is in your worthless life

"I'm not.. Maruece anymore I'm sonic and don't even speak of that scar you know.. And my brother is not a rodent"

If you wanna change you can but remember your always maruece and that scar you have you did it to punish yourself for bring bad

"STOP, STOP, STOP." I than felt a cold touch in the back if my neck and it was him

Your ready to go back to reality'sonic'

"Y-yes"I than started crying and he holded  my tears and hold me bridal style to a beam if light and lay me their and say something strange

Sal ye heli Su ran ba take him back to reality

Before I left i saw him had a big evil smirk, something not right and I left

Back to reality sonic UwU

I than woke up and u was in a tube and I realize this was the tube so we can keep someone in to confess or to keep them from running away

"Help, why am I here"I than heard heavy footsteps come to the room and got nervous, why am I nervous it's probably tails.

Than I saw "SHADOW why are you here"Than I saw his eyes widen and ran away, I was about to say help me but he left I than touch my left year in the back and felt the scar but I still felt guilty

So I decided that was not enough for my brother death I can't even remember his face I'm such a bad brother

I than grab one of my sharpest quills and started cutting my mouth of the upper lip I than screamed in agony "AGHHHH" before I can reach my nose night tails came in and u hide behind the bed

I than stand up covering the mark and say "H-hi tails" struggling to talk from the cut

"Sonic you remember me let me ask a few question, who's your enemy"I than stayed quiet trying to remember and said "Freedom Fighter? I don't even know who that is I just feel like saying that is that correct?" Tails than gasp but grab his notes again and asked "who's eggman"I didn't know but someone said

My master say that but than you kill him when you have everything but just say eggman

For some reason I did "My master" Tails than called for shadow "why are you calling shadow tails" "Sonic you need help and shadow the only one to stop you from-"and he stop than after that shadow came in taking deep breath for some reason

Shadow point of view

I walk in the room than I see Sonic in the tube covering his left side of his mouth and tails was holding his tear you can tell bye looking at his baby blue eyes and than I took his notes

"Let me see, Sonic think eggman is his master and his enemy is the freedom fighter but nothing is at who are you, so Sonic who are you?" Sonic than look at a corner for 2 min and he nod his head and turned around

Why did he nod?

He than said to me "I'm Maruece I mean Sonic and I am a hero?" than look at the right and turn back and said confused "and I have a gang but I don't remember the name"

That's weird he said Maruece is that a trigger or eggman hmm

I than wrote hero and Sonic but confused tone next to it and I asked him"and if you got out of here were will you go"he than said a great response for once "here with tails were else really shadow"I than said "your still cocky Sonic just great"And I let a big sigh out of me

Tails than said next to me "Your free Sonic but you can't leave the house okay"I than know that Sonic was gonna complain the only thing he likes is the outside but Suprisily he said "Alright" with a big smile

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