Chapter 2

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It was a week from when Naruto started. The books said that the training was supposed to last until he was around twenty five. According to Kakashi, and The Third Hokage, he was a natural born prodigy, and would most likely finish in a few years. Until then, he still had to train. He was currently finishing his workout for the day. After finishing, he went to his meditation spot, and got into lotus position. He was working on his emotions, and chakra control. He had leaves stuck all over his body. His mind was clear, and focused. He was maintaining a steady, even breathing exercise. Suddenly he felt water underneath him, and opened his eyes to a giant sewer. Staying calm on the outside, he started to explore. He eventually found a giant metal, rusty red gate. He crept towards it, an ominous feeling welling up inside him. He was becoming tense, his instincts telling him to turn and run, but he stayed on course, determined to see what was behind the giant cage. As he was about to cross through, a humongous gust of wind tore through the room. It felt hot, and made him feel like he was in a furnace. He peered into the dark abyss past the cage, and tried to find the source. Then, a deep red light started growing out of the darkness. It grew, and grew, until it looked like it would burst free. Then it started to glow orange. It condensed itself, swirling around and taking shape.
Then it went dark. Naruto was frozen in place, to terrified to move. He was watching for a solid five minutes, and was starting to wonder if it was just a dream, and he fell asleep. We was going to turn around to leave, but heard the faint sounds of... growling? It was faint at first, but it was getting louder, and louder. He then he saw a flash of a red orang color. He took a step back, and watched, he blinked, and right in front of him was a giant face of a fox. It glowing red eyes burning with a terrible anger. He was about to speak, then the fox let loose a thunderous, and mighty roar. It shook Naruto to his core. Then Naruto regained his composure, remembering his promise to the Hokage. Determined, and filled with courage, he stared back into the giant fox's eyes. The fox stared at Naruto, almost like he was testing his resolve, when he saw that Naruto wasn't backing down, the fox started to smirk. For the first time in the whole interaction, Naruto spoke. "Who are you!? What are you!? Where are we?" The fox got an amused glint in his blood red eyes. In a deep booming voice full of malice, and authority, it said, "I am The Nine Tails, I am your host, a bijuu. You! My jailor, my Jinchuriki! We are in the your seal, or your mind, whichever works for you. I was put here by that monkey that calls himself your father."
"Wait you know who my father was?"
"Hmm... kind of."
"I know he's your father, because you smell similar, and your chakra has the same feel to it."
"Oh, well I guess that makes sense. Anyways, can I ask you a couple of questions?"
"Sure, why not. I'm pretty bored in here anyways. Ask away!"
"What caused you to attack that day?"
The fox sat up a bit, crossed his arms, and laid down. He exhaled deeply, then he motioned Naruto closer. "I'm not sure what people saw that night, but only four individuals know the truth. Your father, mother, Myself, and the one who caused this whole mess. He called himself Madara Uchiha, I'm not sure if he is or not, his chakra felt confusing. I felt a part of Madara's chakra in him, his own chakra, he was also an Uchiha, and a strange chakra I've never felt before. Anyways, your father and mother were hidden in a cave, with a barrier seal blocking entrance in there. There was also a wet nurse, and an ANBU agent in there standing guard. While your father was making sure I wouldn't escape the seal, as your mother held me before you did. The man who attacked, used a very advanced technique to, for a simplified answer, swirl into existence, getting past the barrier undetected. He silently killed the ANBU, and took you hostage when you were just born. He covered your blanket in explosives, and tossed you into the air. This is the part I guess where I explain who your father is. His name is Minato Namikaze, or as you known him as The Fourth Hokage. He used his version of the Second Hokage's Flying Thundergod technique, grabbed you, and appearing in a safe house. He went back to find this man had ripped me out of your mother, placed me in a genjutsu with his sharingan, and sent me to destroy the village. You probably heard the rest of the story, but the part they lie to you about is he actually didn't die killing me. His mother held me down with special chakra chains, and he sealed me in you. In a desperate attempt not to get sealed again, and partially because the effects of the genjutsu were still affecting me, I tried to kill you. Your parents sacrificed their lives by jumping in the way. In his last moments, your dad sealed me into you, his son, by summoning the death god, taking one half of my chakra with him. Ironically that also technically made him my Jinchuriki. That's why I attacked. That is my truth."
Naruto looked overwhelmed by all the information. He didn't really know what to do. He should be mad at his father to condemning him to this life, but he was just protecting his home. The Kyuubi wasn't to blame either, he really didn't have a say, or choice in the matter. His mother was an innocent bystander, and the obvious one to blame was the man who attacked. He looked at the fox. "I guess I only have three questions left. First what did this man look like."
"We'll I know he was an Uchiha, but the only defining feature of his was he wore an orange mask in the shape of a swirl. He only had one opening to see out of. Which most likely means he has one Sharingan eye, but I could feel him, activate it, and deactivate it. Other than that, He had short, black, spiky hair."
"Ok, then my second question is who was my mother?"
"She was my previous Jinchuriki, but she was Kushina Uzumaki, she had red, long hair, a fiery temper, and was probably the best swordswoman I've ever seen. She was known as... The Red Death."
"Alright last question, what is your name?"
"My name"
Naruto nodded eagerly, wanting to know the foxes name, because he remembered the third talking about some of the bijuus having names, like The Ichibi's name is Shukaku.
"No one ever asked for my name before. The only other person who knows was the one who named me. Kit you are gaining my respect pretty quickly. My name is. Kurama." Naruto smiled at his newfound friend. As he was done doing so he noticed that he was starting to fade. He waved goodbye, remembering that Kurama said that he was in his mind.
He woke up in his bed. He sat up, and looked around. He heard talking out in the living room, and went to investigate. He opened the door, went down the hall, and looked to find Kakashi, The Hokage, and two other men with him. One man had pineapple shaped hair, with a little goatee. He looked tired, and had an aura of laziness that, to his surprise surpasses Kakashi's. The other man had long straight black hair, and looked like he was blind. Where his irises and pupils should be was a milky white substitute. He could tell he wasn't blind immediately because he looked at Naruto immediately, and cleared his throat.
"It looks like the boy has awoken." His voice was reserved and seemed emotionless.
Everyone turned towards Naruto, two feeling relieved, the other two curious.
"Naruto." The Hokage called, " can you explain what happened? We felt a massive spike of powerful chakra, it came from your direction. So can you explain what exactly happened?"
Naruto nodded, and said three words that set everyone on edge. "I know everything"
Everyone held still. They looked nervous, waiting for his response. " I know about the Kyuubi, I've met him, I know my father was the Fourth Hokage, my mother was Kushina Uzumaki, and I know what happened that night, and most of all, why almost everyone seems to really have out for me."
The Hokage looked down in shame, and in sadness, Kakashi mirroring him. The other two looked shocked. The son of their beloved Fourth Hokage was the Jinchuriki. The then felt guilty. They could have helped him. Stuff like protection, or a place to stay. For Kami's sake he looks like a Minato with whiskers!
Feeling the energy in the room, Naruto was gauging everyone's expressions. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, the Hokage spoke. "Naruto, I can't begin to explain how unbelievably sorry I am. I know what you're talking about, but I had good reason why I didn't tell you, or anyone else. Your father had a talent to piss of both Iwa, and Kumo. Your mother being an Uzumaki, would put a target so large on your head, Iwa, Kumo, and Mizu would stop at nothing to make sure that you were in their grasp, or dead. I kept quiet to protect you. About the Kyuubi though, I made it an S rank secret. The only ones who were supposed to know of your nature as a Jinchuriki, was Kakashi, my student Jiraiya of the Sannin, and The Daimyo. Somehow someone leaked the information out to the public. The only ones who were allowed to know the information where Jonins, and trusted chunin. No genin were to know about you until they made Jonin, where I knew they wouldn't hurt you because of the truth.
I hope you can forgive this old fool."
Naruto was stunned. He couldn't stand it no more, and ran to the Hokage and hugged him. He just whispered over and over that he was forgiven. The Hokage returned the hug. After which Naruto asked who the other two were. The Hokage smiled and motioned them to introduce themselves.
The guy with pineapple hair said, "Hey squirt, the names Shikaku. I'm the head of the Nara Clan."
"I am Hiashi Hyuuga, of the Hyuuga clan. We were both close friends with your father. I just never realized he had a child. I guess he kept his marriage a secret with Kushina. Now though, we can put the past behind us and start anew. From now on you have the support of the Hyuuga clan."
"Same with us Naruto. The Nara's got your back."
Naruto looked happy, and excited, he finally felt like he was being excepted. He bowed in respect and went back to bed.
In the morning, he woke up to get ready for the day. He and Kakashi went the backyard to start training once more. Before he could begin his warm up, a booming voice sounded in his head. "I see your trying to get stronger."
Naruto jumped a foot in the air, getting Kakashi's undivided attention. Naruto looked around to see where Kurama's voice came from. He then remembered that he was in his mind. He closed his eyes and imagined he was in front of the cage. He opened his mind to see Kurama. "Hey kyuubi, I did not know you could talk to me outside of my mind, whatcha need?"
" I was curious about those books you found, and wanted to read them. I hear it's brutal, and wanted to see if I can add anything to help train you, also I want you to start training with my chakra. It'll help but it also has drawbacks, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there." Naruto nodded and left his mind. Kakashi was standing there looking annoyed at the fact Naruto was acting weird, and was being ignored. "Naruto can you hear me?"
"You say something Kakashi's sensei?"
Kakashi sweat dropped, because he usually says that to his "eternal rival" Gai. "Hmmph, no I was just wondering why you aren't training."
"Oh you know, the Kyuubi wants to read the books I found, and wants to start training with his chakra."
"Oh ok... wait WHAT!!"
They shunshinned to the Hokage's office immediately. "Hokage-sama you need to know about something serious!"
"Kakashi, for the last time, I'm not going to get Jiraiya to sign your book for you. Now please..."
"Hokage-sama it's about the Kyuubi!"
"Apparently he wants to read the books Naruto found, and wants to start tearing him in using its chakra."
"My my. That is serious, Naruto can you ask the Kyuubi how he's going to do this? Please?" Naruto nodded and closed his eyes. Everyone waited with baited breath. Naruto closed his eyes, and said, "He is willing to make a blood contract so I'm able to summon him, without me dying. So kind of like a summon."
Kakashi, and The Hokage looked stupefied. The most powerful being that has ever existed, has agreed to Naruto being his summoner. This has the potential to increasing Naruto's power level to the levels of Hashirama, and Madara. Maybe more so.
They looked at each other, then at Naruto. "So are you, you know, going to sign it?"
"Already did, with no hesitation, although I'm going to have to find a way to make sure he doesn't get caught in genjutsu as that's the reason why he attacked in the first place. A man in an orange swirled mask, ripped Kyuubi out of mom, and forced him to attack Konoha. Anyways it'll also make it easier to get him to teach me, I get stronger to protect my home, he gets freedom, more or less."
The Hokage wrote down everything in a scroll and sealed it away. He stood up. "I believe it's time that I summoned my council. I'm going to get them now. ANBU!"
A hooded figure with a porcelain mask appeared. They kneeled before the Hokage.
"Yes Lord Third?" They sounded young, and Naruto got tense because Kyuubi said the ANBU's chakra belongs to an Uchiha.
"Weasel I want you to gather the shinobi council now. Please hurry it's very important, when your done I want you with me by my side."
"Yes sir."
With that, Weasel, disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
"Come Naruto, I'll need you for this. Kakashi, stay here, We'll be back after the meeting. Don't worry about Naruto's training, we'll just make him do double tomorrow."
Kakashi nodded while Naruto swallowed dryly, nervous about what was about to happen today, and tomorrow especially.
With that The Hokage and Naruto left for the council chamber. When they got there the shinobi council was already there. The shinobi council consists of all the major clans. The head of each clan was there. The shinobi council also consists of three elders, the Jonin commander, the head of the shinobi hospital, and the ANBU commander. What caught everyone by surprise though, was that the civilian council, which was filled with prominent merchants, bankers, and tax collectors, was also there. Uninvited.
When the Hokage walked in the shinobi council stood and bowed to their leader, while the civilians were talking and laughing, seemingly unaware that the Hokage was even there. So with a flash of chakra everyone had their eyes on the Hokage. The Hokage sat down, and began, "Thanks for coming on short notice, but I'm going to ask the civilian council to please leave, as I specifically asked for the shinobi council."
The civilians started to complain, but one murderous look from the Hokage sent them packing. Pleased with himself the Hokage continued, "Now where was I? Yes, of course. I have discovered something about what really happened the night of the Kyuubi attack."
The shinobi council snapped their attention to the old leader, waiting for more information.
"Naruto here has learned from his tenant that a rouge Uchiha forced him to attack the village."
The Uchiha clan head stood up in outrage. "So you're saying it's our fault!"
The Hokage shook his head calmly, "No, not at all, but the Kyuubi has informed Naruto, and through extension me, that the suspect had the chakra of an Uchiha. He only had one Sharingan though, and claimed to be The Madara Uchiha himself. The Kyuubi immediately denied that, as he was familiar with how Madara was. He wouldn't have hid behind a mask, and would easily wipe out the village all by himself."
The Uchiha clan head, whose name is Fugaku, nodded in relief.
"So what do we do than?" This question came from Shikaku.
"The Kyuubi took a liking to Naruto, and agreed to a summoning contract, with Naruto, so that he can help train him to be strong enough to face this rogue Uchiha."
"Then may I suggest finding out what little Uzumaki's chakra nature is? I'm sure it'll help him progress much faster." This surprisingly came from Danzo. Known for being shady at best, he never was one for outright helping people. He always wanted something. Little did they know he knew something about Naruto's training.
"I know you're there... Danzo"
"As sharp as always, you old monkey."
"We'll seeing as you've probably heard what Naruto has found I almost expect you to demand that I hand the books over to you."
"Maybe I would have, but I've always told you to make sure that our Jinchuriki was as strong as possible, but instead he did it for you."
"Wait what?"
"That's right. I don't need the books. I was originally going to do what you thought I came here to do, but it turns out, my lucky star has come out tonight, and fate has decreed he will be very powerful."
Flashback End
The Hokage nodded in approval.
Fugaku then asked, "May I be the one to test him? I also want to confirm something with you later."
"I don't see why not, as long as Kakashi's there with us?"
"Us? Kakashi?"
"Yes us, and Kakashi has taken him in as an apprentice, mostly to supervise though, and I'm taking some time out my schedule every week to help."
"So be it then."
With that Naruto came forward. " So I guess this is where I answer some questions, isn't it."
After an hour of questions, the Hokage and Naruto, along with Fugaku behind them, went back to the Hokage's office. Kakashi was sitting down on a couch reading his little orange book. When he saw they were back, plus one he stood up, his eyes still glued to his book. "So how'd it go?"
"Good, now Kakashi, Fugaku here, was wondering if you'd let him help teach Naruto, especially his affinities?"
"Sure, why not."
Fugaku spoke up, "Thank you Kakashi, now Hiruzen. Is Naruto His son?"
"I was wondering when you would find out."
"Wait you knew? Of course I did Minato told me himself."
"Does he know?"
"Yes the Kyuubi told him. It's why he knows about the masked Uchiha."
Fugaku turned to Naruto, "Is this true? I must know, Minato and I were best friends growing up, and always looked out for each other."
Naruto just nodded.
"Then let me tell you. Starting today, you'll have the backing of the Uchiha. See you soon Naruto"
With that Fugaku left to tell his wife, Mikoto the wonderful news. Naruto then looked at the Hokage, silently asking to go back to Kakashi's. Getting a nod from the old man, Naruto slowly made his way back to his house, distracted by today's events. As his luck would have it though, a chunin, who had an extreme dislike for Naruto, because he hated demons, especially the demon fox he took everything from him. So when Naruto was walking past an alley he was grabbed and knocked out.
It was late, and Kakashi, was getting a little nervous about why Naruto didn't show up yet. He got up to go to the Hokage's office. On the way there he saw smoke in the distant part of town. Curious to see what was happening, and a bad feeling in his guts, he cut to the chase. When he arrived he saw horrific sight.
When Naruto gained consciousness, he was slapped to the face. Holding in a pained groan, he look at his assailant. It was a chunin. Which him a mob of angry villagers.
Knowing he's not going to be able to get out he got ready to defend himself, except it was now that he noticed he was tied up, and couldn't feel his chakra. Now visibly scared, he tried to struggle free. See this, the chunin grinned like a psycho. "Get ready for hell demon." With that he took out a kunai. He slowly made his way to Naruto, who was now frozen in fear. When he stopped in front of Naruto, he took the kunai and dug it into his gut. Slowly. Twisting it to prolong pain. Naruto held in his scream, knowing it'll encourage more. The chunin though frowned, and wrenched the kunai free. Still no scream. He got impatient and grabbed Naruto's face. "This will make you scream for sure. With gusto he slowly inserted his kunai into his left eye. Naruto could not handle something like this so he let loose a horrid scream of pain. The crowd of villagers cheered, excited to see the demon getting punished. The chunin, now knowing what it took for him to scream pulled the kunai out and immediately plunged it into Naruto's right eye. The scream gained volume. With that the cheering came to a halt.
Flashback End
Kakashi was livid. Shaking in pure rage. His vision turned red. Five minutes of pure chaos and the villagers were either subdued and beaten, or horrifically murdered The chunin didn't seem to notice until Kakashi's painful grip got a hold of his wrist. The chunin whirled around to face his attacker in rage, but blanched in fear to see The Kakashi Hatake. He tried to explain himself to but got knocked out. He cut Naruto loose, took off a chakra seal, and made a shadow clone to hold him. He picked up the chunin, made several more to get the still living villagers. He made one more clone to alert the Hokage, and left to take Naruto to the shinobi hospital, and take everyone he caught to Ibiki.
He ran into the hospital, and straight into the lobby. He asked to see the head doctor immediately. The doctor came at the same time as the Hokage. Who so happened to be furious. "What happened!"
Kakashi explained he found, and why. When done, the doctor looked horrified, and the Hokage looked depressed. They took Naruto to the operating room.
"We can fix his gut puncture bet he will need to get his eyes replaced with a transplant."
Kakashi made to more shadow clones and sent them to two people he knew who would have something like this and knew would help. Three minutes later, both Hiashi, and Fugaku practically kicked the door down, running into the room each with a Sharingan, and a Byakugan ready for transplant. It was agreed they would both help Naruto, because they both owed it to his father, Minato. The doctor nodded in gratitude and ushered everyone out. With that, the surgery was initiated.
Three grueling hours later, which felt like forever, and the door to the ER opened up. The doctor came out with a sad smile. " He's doing well, and his body has seemed to immediately accept his new eyes. His other wounds have healed already, and I expect a full recovery by tomorrow, you may see him for a few seconds, but he needs rest. Doctor's Orders."
The ran inside to Naruto hooked up to some IV lines, painkillers, and  his eyes looking bruised. They noticed the bruise starting to fade away. Knowing he'll make a full recovery, Naruto was left alone for the night.
In the morning, Naruto woke to sunlight, and a nurse checking over Naruto's medical equipment. Seeing how he was awake, she ran to get the doctor.
The doctor walked in and immediately asking if he was ok, and started to check up on him. When done he asked to see if Naruto's eyes were done healing. Naruto shrugged and slowly opened them. His eyes were blue still. Perplexed, he stood to get the Hokage but saw him, and the other three from last night right behind him. He motioned them to come in. He sat them down and pointed at Naruto's eyes. They were blue. Dumbfounded they immediately knew the Kyuubi had a furry hand in this. Naruto however, was confused, which was promptly voiced. It was Fugaku who spoke first. "Well, you see Naruto, you know you had your eyes, well. Yeah. Anywho, we came as fast as we can. The doctor couldn't save your eyes, so a transplant was needed so we came with a Sharingan, and a Byakugan each. So the doctor transplanted them, well you see when dojutsu get transplanted, they stay activated forever, take Kakashi for example." Kakashi lifted up his head band covering his other eye, and revealed a Sharingan with a scar around his eye. "So the reason why we're reacting this way is because your eyes are still. Blue. So we think Kyuubi had a hand in this, and were wondering if you can talk with him about it?" Naruto nodded and focused on Kurama. He appeared in front of the giant fox. Who appeared amused. "Hey, Kurama? You do this?"
The big fox nodded with a big smirk on his face. Knowing enough, he went back to reality. He opened his eyes to the ever patient people waiting for his response. "He's responsible alright."
Hiashi cleared his throat, and intently asked, "Can you send chakra to your eyes, to make sure you still have the dojutsu." Naruto did as he was told, and sent chakra to his eyes. Soon enough there was a Byakugan and a Sharingan staring at everyone.
"Naruto, send a little more" came the booming voice of the Kyuubi. Doing as told once more, he sent even more chakra to his eyes. At this everyone gasped. In front of their very eyes were the Rinnegan, and the Tenseigan. Naruto grabbed the mirror and looked at his reflection in wonder. He saw his new eyes and felt immense power pulse from them. He put down the mirror, and had a big goofy smile on his face. He knew today, was a new beginning for one Naruto Uzumaki.

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