Historical & Regency

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Original fiction:

Familiar - a witch in the 1880s looks for a new familiar, written in the style of urban fantasy but set in the American wild west; a chapter in my Wattpad Contest Plot Bunnies collection of stories

Faux Pas - historical fiction set in England during the Regency era, about a girl who learns a family member is dying; a chapter in my Wattpad Contest Plot Bunnies collection of stories

Souffle - steampunk about a father-daughter team of inventors; a chapter in my Wattpad Contest Plot Bunnies collection of stories


A Problem Like Mary - Pride and Prejudice fanfic; asexual Mary comes out to her sisters

Confidante - Emma fanfic; what if Jane had confided in Emma about her secret engagement? - a chapter in my Fanfic Short Stories

Hedgehog Day - Northanger Abbey fanfic; A Groundhog Day scenario, where Catherine relives the same day over and over - a chapter in my Fanfic Short Stories

Indiana Jones and the Teaching Assistant of Dire Necessity - Indiana Jones fanfic - Indy needs an assistant to handle his classes when he's called away to rescue artifacts - a chapter in my Fanfic Short Stories.

Lavender Dreams - on vacation to attend a destination wedding, Sara dreams that she and Neal are characters in Jane Austen novels - part of the Caffrey Conversation series  

Second Impressions - Pride and Prejudice fanfic Jane and Bingley try to bring Elizabeth and Darcy together

Time After Time Lord - Doctor Who crossover with Supernatural, with references to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Calvin and Hobbes. Stuck in the past, Dean causes a paradox to get a time traveler to rescue him; the Doctor reminds Dean that being different doesn't make someone a monster. - a chapter in my Fanfic Short Stories

To Be Fond of Dancing - Emma fanfic; what if Jane had been in love with Emma? - a chapter in my Fanfic Short Stories

Wealthy, Wise, and Worthy - a chapter in my Fanfic Short Stories. Crossover between Emma & Pride and Prejudice. What if young Emma met Darcy and exchanged thoughts about what they want in a spouse?

What Fools These Mortals Be - Good Omens crossover with White Collar, in which meddling by a demon and angel cause another demon to become human. Spans several centuries. - a chapter in my Fanfic Short Stories

Universal Truths of Time Travel - Doctor Who crossover with Pride and Prejudice, focusing on the powers of imagination - a chapter in my Fanfic Short Stories

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