Christmas 2018

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December 23, 2018

Eleanor, Elizabeth, Catherine, Camilla, Sophie, Anne, Eugenie, Beatrice, Zara and Autumn are all seated in the green drawing room of Sandringham where they are having their annual tea time. It's an all-girls event that started when Eleanor joined the family in 2008 and will continue in the future.

Elizabeth loved that they have started this tradition, it makes it feel like she's closer to her family and that they are able to talk to her about anything. Dramas, new charities, small gossips, the tea-spilling sessions have a lot of topics to cover.

This year, however, they are missing one person that is new to the family, and that is not a mistake.

When Catherine first joined the family, she was invited by the Queen herself, to have tea with the other female members of the family. No one other than the Queen invites new people for the tea.

So this year, when the time arrived, Elizabeth didn't have the heart to invite Meghan. She would just disturb the whole atmosphere. They want to have a place where they are relaxed and are able to talk about anything.

What Elizabeth realised, is that Meghan has a big mouth and it might end up in the press.

So they continued their little tradition. Everyone was laughing and having a good time and when it came to the time where they have to freshen up for dinner, they all went their separate ways to their rooms.

While they were all having tea, Meghan realised that the women in the family have disappeared. Not wanting to look like a fool, she remained close to Harry that afternoon.

Harry joined Will, James, Mike, Peter, and Jack at one of the living rooms at Sandringham. Literally, everyone in that room knows about the afternoon tea tradition and only Meghan remains in the dark.

They were watching the tv when Jack, the newest family member who doesn't know how to feel about Meghan much because he literally had no conversation with Meghan beforehand, asked the hundred-pound question.

"So Meghan, why are you here?" Jack asked Meghan. When he asked that question, both Will and James stiffened their backs. Jack felt a little awkward for asking once the words left his mouth.

"What do you mean?" Meghan laughed awkwardly. She has never talked to Jack nor does she want to. She barely talked to Mike, Peter, Zara and Autumn anyways.

"Well, I thought you would like to be with the other women than with us men," Jack stuttered before looking at James for help.

"Every year, two days before Christmas, the women in our family hosts an afternoon tea with granny. It's a tradition that Ellie started when she married me," James explained. "Granny is the one that does the inviting part to new members. If they fit the criteria I guess."

"Did Granny forgot to invite you, Meghan?" William asked her. He then whispered softly to James, "I guess she didn't fit the criteria."

James had to cover his smirk and looked straight at the tv to avoid bursting into laughter.

"Must be the old age," Meghan laughed off awkwardly. "I'm going to head back to the room for a while."

"I'll come with you," Harry said to her before they both stood up from their seats and left the living room.

"Jack, you just had to bring that up?" Mike turned to Jack with an exasperated look on his face.

"I didn't know she didn't know. Kind of a bit awkward with her sitting there." Jack defended himself.

"If she was here with us, she obviously wasn't invited," Mike mumbled.

"Wasn't surprised that she wasn't invited. She comes across a little bit mean to Autumn," Peter piped up.

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