Off With Her Head

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January 31, 2020

"Sir, are you sure you want to submit this form? It's not too late to retract it and we can work on counselling and couple's therapy," the official asked Harry inside Buckingham Palace. On both of Harry's side was his brothers and beside them were their wives. Off to the side sat Charles and Elizabeth, all there to give their support to Harry.

"Yes, I'm sure," Harry said passing the official the documents signed by both Harry and Meghan regarding their divorce. Once he chops the paper, and submit the papers to the ministry, which is here as well. This is so that the process is as quick as it can.

Inside the room is Cressida, the commissioner of the metropolitan police service ready to give the orders to issue the warrant of arrest for Meghan Markle.

With a nod, the official chopped the documents and passed it to the minister in charge to declare the divorce final and their marriage annulled. Usually, both parties would be there, however, Meghan already have a restraining order against her so she's not allowed to be anywhere near Eleanor.

She was on the phone line connected to hear everything that is happening. All her plans are going inside the drain.

"Congratulations Your Royal Highness, you are now a free man. Master Archie will remain in Her Majesty's custody until the Prince of Wales ascends the throne or he is of age. Ms Meghan, Duchess of Sussex has no rights over any property as Frogmore Cottage remains in Her Majesty's name as well as no right over any jewellery or money that the Duke of Sussex has. They remain in the crown's name," the minister told Harry and Meghan can hear him over the phone. "Her Majesty has also issued that Meghan, Duchess of Sussex will be stripped of her titles, patronages and severe ties with any organisations that were received or made during her marriage with The Duke of Sussex, therefore, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex will lose her 'title' Duchess of Sussex, will now be called, Ms Meghan Markle."

Harry then took the phone and put it closer to his face.

"I'm sorry it came to this but there are certain things that I couldn't tolerate and put my family into harm's way was one of them. I really am sorry that we didn't end on a good note. Goodbye Meghan. I hope you achieve your goals after this."

With that, he hangs up the phone before letting out a huge sigh. He then nodded at his grandmother who gave the go-ahead to Cressida to issue an arrest on Meghan and make the charges public.

That was the end of her career and reputation.


A Statement from The Duke of Sussex 

This morning, Meghan and I finalised our divorce that was witnessed by Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke and Duchess of Windsor and The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

With that said, I admit this might come as a shock to all of you after the news of our decision to step down from senior working members.

However, during the meeting with my grandmother, father, brothers and sister-in-law earlier this month, some news was brought to light and the decision to separate was a mutual agreement.

I realised that a lot of decisions were made without any second thought through rash minds. It was with a heavy heart that I announce a separation between my wife and me.

Below is the information needed to clear some of the questions many must-have.

The custody of our son Archie Harrison remains in the hands Her Majesty The Queen under The Grand Opinion for the Prerogative Concerning the Royal Family.

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