The Daily life of The Duchess of Windsor

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Monday, March 4th 2019. Apartment 1, Kensington Palace, London.

6:00 AM

Eleanor woke up early that Wednesday morning to begin her daily routine. Most of the time, her schedule is the same, when she doesn't have any public engagements. She looked to the right side of the bed and know that her husband, James was still fast asleep.

Eleanor smiled before leaning over and kissing his lips softly before getting up from her very comfortable bed.

Eleanor stretched for a bit before putting on her house robes over her pyjamas. She then left her room to go downstairs to the main kitchen.

 She then left her room to go downstairs to the main kitchen

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Main Kitchen

With Apartment 1 being as big as it is, with their 21 rooms and all, Eleanor and James have 3 housemaids and two footmen's to help with the cleaning and maintaining of Apartment 1

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With Apartment 1 being as big as it is, with their 21 rooms and all, Eleanor and James have 3 housemaids and two footmen's to help with the cleaning and maintaining of Apartment 1.

In the mornings, Eleanor usually cooks something for her children if she doesn't have any public engagements in the morning or if she's not travelling. She tries as hard as she can to be there in the mornings for her children. Especially to send them to school.

All four of Eleanor's children are not fussy eaters and would eat basically anything she puts in front of them. Something both Eleanor and James have taught them since they were younger is to appreciate what's given to you as not many others are as lucky as they are.

Eleanor took out the ingredients she would have to make some pancakes and begins making breakfast for her children. By the time she finished cooking, it was already 6:30 am and she went upstairs to wake up her children for breakfast.

She first entered Alex's room as he was always the hardest to wake up.

"Alex, honey? Time to wake up," Eleanor knocked on the door before opening it up a bit. The room was pitched black with the windows drawn close.

 The room was pitched black with the windows drawn close

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