Ellie in trouble

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"Sir, Prince Alexander has safely reached Buckingham Palace and is currently inside the bunker with Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall," Dame Cressida Rose Dick, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) in London told James as he sat inside the room with the head of the MI6 and head of security for the Windsor Household in the room with them as well. Usually, they would be with Her Majesty The Queen, however, since this attack was specifically towards the Windsors, so they answer to James.

"And has anyone reached my wife?" Alex asked them.

"Not y,et sir, The Duchess of Windsor and her protection officer Richard are currently at Tesco buying snacks for the children," the head of security for the Windsor Household, Keaton Andrews told James.

"The suspect who tried to attack Prince Alexander has arrived at the Scotland Yard offices," Cressida relayed the message to James. "He kept repeating this one phrase, 'She will be Queen'. Who the 'she' is, is still unknown."

"Dispatch team Alpha Female 1, I repeat, dispatch team Alpha Female 1 to 50-52 Curzon Street, Mayfair," the head of MI6, Daniel Park, said to the phone since he was on the call with someone from his team.

"What," James asked. "What's going on?"

"Sir, we need you to be calm right now," Daniel told James as he got information from his team. "Approximately 2 minutes ago, we received a panic code from The Duchess of Windsor. We do not know the situation yet, the dispatch team are 20 seconds away."

"We just received a code white from Richard," Keaton told everyone in the room, which created a frenzy of phone calls.

"I want all units near Curzon Street, Mayfair to go to the scene right now," Cressida told her second in command over the phone. "I also want any available medic and ambulance to head towards 50-52 Curzon Street, Mayfair."

"Helicopters are being dispatched to overview the scene," Daniel told the rest while he's on the phone. "Dispatch team Alpha Female 1 has landed on the site, taking all immediate danger into custody."

"Richard relayed the information, sir, you might need to sit down for this," Keaton told James who was pacing across the room. When James has sat down he relayed the information.

"The Duchess of Windsor, at approximately four p.m. was stabbed by a woman named Joanna. We now have her in custody and The Duchess is currently being transported to the nearest medical centre which was Cleveland Clinic," Keaton relayed the information to James.

(A/N: Cleveland Clinic is not set to open yet until 2021, but for this story's sake, let's pretend it's already open)

James just put his hands over his head and rubbed his eyes.

"Is she okay?" James mumbled, his head hanging low.

"We don't know yet," Keaton told James.

"Are the two suspects apprehended and in custody?" James asked. This time it was Cressida who answered.

"Yes sir, they are both in custody at Scotland Yard," Cressida said.

"Great, I'm going to see how my wife is doing," James said before getting up from his seat and leaving the room.

James don't know what he was supposed to be thinking or feeling. He just felt numb. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do. All he knows is that his wife is in the hospital and he needs to be there by her side.

It took 6 minutes for James to get to Cleveland Clinic, six minutes of pure torture. Not knowing whether she's alive or dead, not knowing where she was stabbed.

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