Happy Mum Happy Baby

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February 18, 2020

@ClarenceHouse: Earlier this month, The Princess of Wales has joined @MrsGiFletcher for an episode of the 'Happy Mum Happy Baby' podcast to talk about parenthood amongst other things. The Princess of Wales also spoke about The Duchess of Cambridge's landmark #5BigQuestions survey. On the special episode of 'Happy Mum, Happy Baby', released Tuesday, 18th February at 1600 GMT, The Princess and Giovanna discuss the importance of the early years and their shared experiences as mothers.


Happy Mum, Happy Baby: The Princess of Wales' transcript

(G: Giovanna, E: The Princess of Wales)

The Princess of Wales on the Early Years

Introduction Music

G: Hello and welcome to a very special episode of Happy Mum Happy Baby the podcast. Today we're recording from Clarence House, where I just finished an engagement with The Princess of Wales. The Princess is currently very busy with the change of titles and we are here to uncover the depth and maybe a little story-time on how it is like to raise young children in this day and age as well as how it's like raising future monarchs but first, it is my absolute pleasure, and you can tell I'm nervous, because I'm talking so fast, but it is my absolute pleasure and honour to welcome The Princess of Wales.

E: *giggles* Hello, thank you. Don't worry, I'm equally as nervous so, don't worry at all.

G: Your sister-in-law, the Duchess of Cambridge is currently doing a UK-wide survey on early years, and how it affects our mental health.

E: Yes she is. I am so proud of how far she has come and how driven she is to learn more about the early years as well as how it influences you when you grow older. I'm not as well-educated in this sector as she is, but I learn as I go, which is how most mums are in the beginning. She just launched a UK-wide questionnaire and is currently touring around the UK meeting parents and caregivers, it's called the 5 Big Questions. It really is a fast and easy survey that will take no longer than five minutes to answer.

G: So, please head over to 5bigquestions.org.uk to take part in this questionnaire. Have you been as interested in the early years as she is?

E: Well not as dedicated as she is. *Eleanor giggles a bit* I acknowledge that the early years have an important part in how we behave and grow up to be today but I focus more on the happiness and well being of the children instead of the mental side, I leave it to Catherine for that. Sometimes, when you're about to be a new parent, it's a bit daunting, as to how you're going to take care of them. But we learn every day. It's a learning process on both sides.

G: How has that been like for you? I would imagine that being in the spotlight makes the experience much scarier than it already is.

E: It's a bit crazy if I'm honest. I'm slightly grateful that I had my mum there for support all through the nine months of pregnancy for guidance. I think what people generally forget is that motherhood starts at pregnancy, to feel your baby move for the first time, to hear their heartbeat and feel their kick. It's all part of the process, so I guess I'm pretty lucky in that sense to have my own mother as well as both Camilla and Elizabeth there with me to guide me.

G: A few of your patrons are with charities that focus on parenting and single parents in general as well as some hospitals that care for disabled children, how has that been when you were pregnant? Because I imagine during that time, your hormones were all over the place.

E: It was difficult to not burst into tears when I go on engagements where I meet parents who have suffered through miscarriages or is going through single parenting where their partner is unfortunately not there to help them. But I'm also glad that we have charities that help them as well. So it makes me want to help them even more.

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