We're Done

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January 8, 2020

SussexRoyal: Today, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Canada House in London to thank the High Commissioner Janice Charette and staff for the warm hospitality during their recent stay in Canada. The Duke and Duchess have a strong connection to Canada. It's a country The Duke of Sussex has visited many times over the years and it was also home to The Duchess for seven years before she became a member of The Royal Family. Thank you, Canada 🇨🇦!• Video © SussexRoyal Music © Raphael Lake


"They are unbelievable," James paced inside Clarence House with Will and Kate there to keep him company. The children are playing in the other room while James, Will and Kate basically talk about what happened that afternoon.

"This is unheard off," Will said. "They weren't there on an official visit, they were there on a vacation."

"I tried talking to Meghan before, but she always tried to shut me off. She would either rudely not answer my calls or texts or she would shout at me for no reason," Kate said. "Both me and Eleanor tried to you know, guide her a little in how this works. I would expect her to take what Eleanor says to heart, she was an American, she was an aristocrat and a famous one, having her own name and image. The only thing they don't have in common is that Meghan is a woman of colour, but it's not like we haven't been accepting of her."

"Yeah, El told me. But I discourage her from talking to Meghan or even be in the same room as Meghan after the Christmas incident where she slapped El," James said. "That woman is turning my brother into someone I don't know."

"Don't worry Jay," Will told his older twin brother. "Harry will soon see what an evil witch she is."

Will didn't know the pressure James is facing. Will was always known as the spare twin, the spare heir. Compared to James and Will, Harry had it easy. Will had to go through all the things his brother went through just in case something would happen, Will will be able to take over.

Though not exactly the responsibility of an heir, Will had to make sure that he was ready to be King if necessary, though he knows that will never happen and he's okay with that. He learnt to make a name for himself other than the spare.

Harry has always had the freedom to do anything he wants. He always had that in the sense where he can be and act like a normal teenager and young adult and make his own mistakes that he can later learn from.

James and Will don't have that luxury.

James missed Eleanor. He's always worried about her and how's she's doing in Australia. Eleanor is eleven hours ahead of James and whenever James is about to start his day, Eleanor is almost done with hers. It was difficult but nothing they couldn't handle.

They moved on to other topics such as their kids and how George and Charlotte are at school when the phone rings.

Similar to Buckingham Palace, their house phone technically goes through the operator first before being connected to who you wanted to speak to. Sure they have mobile phones but sometimes, you want to go through the more, 'official way'.

"Hello?" James picked up the phone. Usually, its Elizabeth or Philip calling through the landline though sometimes, it could be Charles.

"Read the news now," James can hear his granny on the line. "Then come to Buckingham Palace. Bring William."

She then hung up on him before James could reply.

"Who was it?" Kate asked.

"It was granny, she said to read the news and then come to Buckingham and bring Will," James said opening up his phone to check BBC News.

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