Summer Pageantries

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June 16, 2019

"Kate, what are you wearing tomorrow?" Eleanor lounged inside Kate's closet at Apartment 1A as they both prepare for tomorrow's Order of Garter service at Windsor Castle.

"I think I might wear my white Catherine Walker coat," Kate said as she rummages through her big closet, though roughly the same size of Eleanor's closet, if not a bit smaller since Eleanor has accumulated a lot of clothes over the years.

Even though, every month, Eleanor goes through the closet to donate her clothes, shoes and bags that she doesn't wear anymore to the British Heart Foundation.

"Oh, that's a pretty choice," Eleanor said. "I'm still trying to find the right outfit for tomorrow's service. Maxima and Letizia are coming because Willem-Alexander and Felipe are getting knighted, so I'm sure they will look their best. They are always fashioned savvy."

"I think you'll be fine, Ellie," Kate said. "You're quite fashionable as well."


"I don't understand," Meghan huffed. "Why are we not allowed to go to the Order of the Garter service?"

"I'm not a knight, Meg," Harry sighed. "It is the most prestigious event there are in royal history and it's only a selected few that are allowed to come to this event."

"Well ask to be a knight then!" Meghan threw her hands in the air in annoyance. "You're her grandson, H. I'm sure she'll let you be a knight?"

"Meg, it doesn't work that way!" Harry growled in frustration. "Which part about it do you not understand? The knights are chosen from a variety of backgrounds, in recognition of their public service."

"Then that's a good reason to be knighted, Harry!" Meghan said, walking closer to her husband and putting her hand on his back. "You've done so much to the public, to the family. You served in the army for ten years and you helped many wounded soldiers and you continue to advocate for so many other helpless people. You've done a lot of service Harry, it's time for you to be recognized."

Harry was silent for a minute, pondering over what Meghan said before shaking his head. "I will be a knight if my grandmother or my father wishes it to. It's not in my hands."

But the seed has been planted. Harry now questions why he wasn't made a knight yet.


June 17, 2019

what Eleanor is wearing:

what Eleanor is wearing:

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