New York Visit

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thewindsors: Wishing The Duchess of Sussex a very happy birthday! 🎉 📸: Royal PA

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thewindsors: Wishing The Duchess of Sussex a very happy birthday! 🎉 📸: Royal PA

thewindsors: The Duchess of Windsor will be undertaking a three-day state visit to New York, on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen. The Duchess of Windsor was born and raised in New York. This will be the first time The Duchess of Windsor is in New York representing Her Majesty The Queen.


September 8, 2019 - 5:30 am

"I'm going to miss you," James said from the bed where he's currently lying down.

"It's only three days James," Eleanor laughed at she checked over her things making sure she didn't forget anything.

"You're taking The Voyager right?" James asked his wife.

"Elizabeth insisted that I take The Voyager, but I told her that it would be contradictory of me to do that because I've been an advocate of reducing our carbon footprints," Eleanor said. "I'll be using British Airways."

"How many tickets did you buy?" James asked.

"Well as a compromise of me not using The Voyager, Elizabeth said to bring six Protection Officers, Kora is obviously coming along as well as Thomas. Sarah, Kaitlyn and Mark are coming as well, so including myself, 11 tickets." Eleanor said.

"Okay, you better head to Heathrow soon," James said. "What time is your flight?"

"Flight's at 9:50," Eleanor said as she climbed on the bed and crawling up James.

"If that's the case," James smirked, his eyes darkened with lust before flipping them over making Eleanor laugh hysterically.


"I'm going to miss you guys," Eleanor hugged her children close to her. "Remember to do your homework's and listen to Daddy, okay?"

"Okay mummy, don't forget to bring back presents!" Adelaide hugged her mother tighter.

"Love you too mum," Alex kissed Eleanor's cheeks. "Stay safe please?"

"Always," Eleanor kissed the top of Alex's head.

"Mummy, how long will you be in New York? Will you see Granddaddy and Grandmama?" Amelia hugged Eleanor, her small arms around Eleanor's neck.

"I'm only there for three days," Eleanor said before laughing. "Of course, I'm going to see Granddaddy and Grandmama."

"I'll miss you," Amelia kissed Eleanor's cheeks before letting go.

"Now, are you going to give me a kiss bye-bye?" Eleanor opened her arms for Aidan.

"Mummy go fly?" Aidan asked hugging his mother.

"Yes, mummy is going on a big aeroplane and fly," Eleanor kissed and hugged Aidan tightly. "You be good for nanny okay?"

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