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August 31, 2020
23 years.

23 years have gone by since that fateful night when the Wales brothers lost their mother.

To say that it has been an emotional day would be an understatement and the day had barely begun.


"Daddy, how was Granny Di like when you were younger?" Mia asked her father as they sat around the dining table that morning as they were eating breakfast.

James threw back his head and let out a small chuckle, eyes twinkling as he thought back on the days where he was sure he gave his mother a few grey hairs. While William was the rule follower and Harry was the rule breaker, James was in the middle. He knew his moments where he needed to be serious yet he also knew when to let loose and have fun. James was also the cheeky one out of the trio and both his parents knew that.

"She was quite the cheeky and fun mum, I would say," James looked down at his children who surround him, wanting to hear more about the grandmother they would never meet. "She's your average mum, but she would always make sure that we would know how much she loves us."

"I wasn't the best child growing up, always up to no good, I would say. But your Granny Di would always join us in the fun. She was full of laughter and games. I always knew that I could go to her if I had a problem." James spoke fondly of his mother. "She was always someone I can run to if I needed anything or if I just wanted someone to talk to. She was my best friend, the bestest friend any son would be honoured to have." 

"You must miss her so much!" Addie said as she hugged her father tightly. 

"I do miss her terribly," James smiled sadly at his children. "She would be so happy to be surrounded by all of you. She always loved having children around her." 

"Perhaps you should make her something and later today we can go and visit her, how does that sound?" James asked. 

"I'll go get the papers!" 

"Let me get the colour pencils and markers!" 

"Do you think she'll like stickers?" 

James could hear his kids excitedly telling each other what they would make her, what they would write for her and tell her during their visit. 

He tried as much as he could, to tell stories of Diana when she was alive to his children. He would tell them stories and the kids would in return write her letters or any drawings that they want her to see. 

James has a big box filled with things his children made for their grandmother. For every birthdays, every milestones, first days of school, every mothers day and especially during her anniversary; the children would make her something. 

James would also take them frequently to her little island. Not as much as he would want to with school and his engagements, but he would try and that's the best that they can do. 

Sometimes, they would be too busy to go to Althorp, but they used to have a small garden, filled with Diana's favourite flowers to remember her by. That used to be the safe haven, not just for James but for Ellie and the children as well. 

James definitely took her death the hardest, but he learnt to get through it and grieve accordingly. He went to see a therapist at a young age as he had nightmares surrounding her death. 

He had always been the empath of the family, feel things a bit more strongly than others. 

With too many pictures going around the net of the crash, he would often see it so frequently in his head and that would manifest itself to nightmares of how she died, the play by play of the accident, even if he was no where near the site of the crash. 

He lost sleep because of it, he lost appetite because of it and he became a shell of himself because of it. 

That's why his grandparents and father made him go to therapy because of it. 

To grieve, to mourn and to remember. 

When James met Eleanor, he went to talk to his mother. 

When James fell in love with Eleanor, he went and talked to his mother. 

When James proposed to Eleanor, he told his mother his plans. 

When James got married, he shared it with his mother. 

When Alex was born, James ranted his worries to his mother. 

Every milestone of his life, he has shared with his mother. Even though she wasn't here physically, he knew that she was right by his side the whole journey. 

25 years passed by too quickly, but that didn't mean that James missed her any less. 


"It's Diana's death anniversary, are you sure you want to publish this today of all days?" Omid Scobie asked on the other side of the screen, holding the phone up to his ear. 

"Yes, I'm sure of it. I need to hit them where it hurts. After everything that I've done, I will not be silenced, even if I'm in jail." Meghan said. 

"Sure okay, I'm still getting paid for this right?" 

"Of course, your money will be transfered to your by my father." 

"Your father that you dropped when you married Prince Harry?" 

"A little bit of tears here and a few words there, I have him around my pinky again. There's nothing that daddy dearest will not do for me." Meghan said wickedly. 



Former Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, has spoken out about her terrible experience being a part of the royal family. 

Markle, now in prison for charges of felony, treason and attempted murder, are giving royal reporter Omid Scobie the secrets of the court. The former actress will be releasing a tell all book in summer 2021 that speaks about her experiences with the Royal Family. 

Markle will speak about the press, her royal journey, being married to Prince Harry, the expectations of being a Duchess and many more. 

Markle also spoke out about the favourtism shown in the family and the mistreatment she felt during her time as Prince Harry's wife. 

To read more about Meghan Markle's upcoming book from behind bars, click here. 


"She doesn't stop does she?" Ellie asked James as they sat around the table after dinner as the kids get themselves ready for bed. 

"Whatever she will publish or put out, we will do an interview, all of us a family to counteract her statements." James said. "Once people know her lies, and what actually happened from all of us, they won't pay her any more attention." 

"I just feel bad for Harry and Archie you know. This must be incredibly difficult for them both." 

"I know love. But we'll be here to support them if needed." 

"I know. I hope Harry reach out soon, I know he will try to brave it out but it does take a village to raise a child." 

"He will love, he will." 

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