Visits and Meetings

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January 15, 2020

What Eleanor is wearing: 

It's been a week since the meeting at Sandringham and Meghan was put on a no-travel list, both private and commercial, she wasn't allowed to leave the country at all

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It's been a week since the meeting at Sandringham and Meghan was put on a no-travel list, both private and commercial, she wasn't allowed to leave the country at all. She's been holed up at Frogmore Cottage though Harry and Archie had moved into Apartment 1, Eleanor and James' old apartment back in Kensington Palace.

They have been living there in secret with little to no one outside the family knows about their whereabouts. The press thinks that Meghan had left Archie in Canada, which wasn't the case and that she herself has flown back to be with Archie the day of the meeting at Sandringham.

Harry, however, has a few more engagements to do before he was supposedly headed back to Canada where his doting wife and child is waiting.

They didn't feel the need to correct the press, so they let the papers run what they think they know from inside sources and whatnot. It was clear to the rest of the family and now Harry that the inside sources that have been telling the press about their works and secret projects are actually Meghan herself.

Today, Eleanor has a busy day with two visits to her charities, the Refuge for Women and Children: against domestic violence and Women's Aid. Both charities very close to Eleanor's heart.

Before she met James, Eleanor was in a relationship that was both mentally and physically abusive. She was fifteen-sixteen at the time and didn't know any better. Lucky for her, her mother noticed the bruises on Eleanor's arms and how whenever she would come back from school, Eleanor would be super quiet and unlike herself.

She was able to get out of that abusive one-year relationship and a year after that, she met James. Eleanor couldn't think of what her life would be like now if her mother didn't notice how she was behaving, she couldn't imagine how life would be like if she was still in that kind of relationship many years later and how she thanked her lucky stars that she found someone who loves her as much as James does much earlier in her life.

Eleanor knew that for women, especially mothers to be able to get out of that kind of abusive relationship, she knew they have to be very strong to be able to do that and for them to have somewhere where they could feel safe again, Eleanor wants to bring more attention to that. She wants to show that women are stronger than they look.

In a way, Harry was in an abusive relationship. It wasn't anything physical, but it was mental. This shows that women are not only the victims here, men can also fall victim to abuse. Something Eleanor want to highlight and speak out more about.

(Please, if you're in an abusive relationship or home, please seek help <3)

TheWindsors: Today, The Duchess of Windsor visited two of her patronages, Refuge and Women's Aid. Both of which holds dear to The Duchess' heart. The Duchess of Windsor became the royal patron in 2015 and 2013 respectively.


January 17, 2020

What Eleanor is wearing: 

Today Eleanor has a meeting with Mind Masters, a charity that Eleanor help set up back in 2009 to help with mental health issues for the disabled and special needs

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Today Eleanor has a meeting with Mind Masters, a charity that Eleanor help set up back in 2009 to help with mental health issues for the disabled and special needs. Eleanor realised early on though there are already a few mental health charities, there are even fewer charities that help with disabled or special needs children and adults alike.

So Mind Masters was one of the first charity that Eleanor help build-up and has always been a big part in her life. This doesn't stop only at the person who has a disability or special needs, it goes to their family and those around them as well.

During the meeting, they talked about a variety of topics, mainly what they should do next and what campaigns to run to spread out knowledge about this.

They focused on the year ahead, always having three meetings per year: one in the beginning of the year, one in the summertime and another one towards the end of the year.

The first meeting of the year focuses on the goals they want to achieve that year. This year is to bring awareness and get rid of the stigma around mental illness, disability and special needs.

The second meeting of the year generally focuses on what they have done so far and what needs to be done. It kind of acts like a middle point, a meeting to update, improve and have feedback. It also leaves room for improvement and new ideas if there was any.

The third meeting of the year focuses more on what they have done, was it successful, if it wasn't, what could they improve from it. Basically those kinds of stuff.

Eleanor always has a productive meeting with the Mind Masters team. They always bring new ideas to spark awareness and conversation regarding this issue.

TheWindsors: The Duchess of Windsor meets Mind Master team at Clarence House today for their first annual meeting. This year's focus is around the words mentall illness, disability and special needs. What comes to mind when you hear those words. Let us know in the comments below.


January 26, 2020

TheWindsors: Wishing all of our Australian followers a happy Australia Day! 🇦🇺 This year we pay tribute to the incredible strength and resilience of all the Australian people and communities who have been impacted by the devastating bushfires. © PA Images


user1: The Duchess of Windsor has already done so much for us by coming to help earlier this year

user2: Thank you for your service Princess Eleanor

user3: We're glad to have a future Queen like you, caring, loving and smart

user4: Save the Koalas! 🙏🏻❤️🐨

user5: I love how you've stood by the Queen.

user6: A beautiful couple very deserving of being the future king and queen.

user7: we believe there are still kind-hearted people out there

user8: for sure they look forward to meeting the Royal Golden Couple again.

user9: why is their post less heart-felt than sussexroyal

user10: user9 because this couple is fake

user11: user10 user9 Where was MM when Australia was on fire? Did she travel down to help? Was she with the families that lost their homes due to the fire? Was she there to help lift spirits up when we don't know what we could do next? She wasn't. Instead, she was in Canada having a vacation while Duchess Eleanor came down and helped herself.

user10: user11 it wasn't safe for her to go there

user11: user10 don't give me that excuse. Eleanor is the wife of the future king and mother to the future king, if she can do it, I'm sure a wannabe royal can do too.

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