Runaway Bride

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//-----------A/N: If Shivaay was not such an impulsive jerk.

Background: - Season 4 Episode 10

Tia had run away from the wedding and the girl that Shivaay had bribed to take her place backed off at the last minute--------//

Narrator's POV

Shivaay goes to the Bridal dressing room to pick up Richa posing as Tia to be his bride for the day.

He was unhappy with the turn of events but there was nothing he could do about it.

He stood outside the door waiting for Richa to come out. When after 5 minutes she still was not out he wondered why she was taking so much time.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, it opened from the inside and out came Richa in the same attire Shivaay had last seen her in.

He asked her why she was not dressed yet to which she replied that She changed her mind and was unwilling to get married to him.

Shivaay stared at her in disbelief and then shouted at her in anger.

"Are you out of your mind? You already agreed to it and now you are backing off at the last minute?"

"I am sorry, I cannot. I have realized that I was making a mistake and now after talking to them I have decided that I cannot go through with this" Richa said in tears.

When Shivaay heard that someone had convinced her to abandon this marriage, he was even more furious.

Before he could question the identity of the person, Annika came out of the room.

Richa gave both a look and left.

Shivaay stared at Annika angrily. He held her arm in a strong grip and shook her.

"What is your problem, Annika? Why are you hell-bent on going against my decision?

Do you have any idea what you have done? The entire state is at this wedding people from all walks of life, the media everyone is here.

If the news of Tia running away came out, the reputation of my entire family will be ruined!

Why Annika WHY!!!!"

Shivaay shouted in anger at Annika's face while he pushed her to the wall behind her.

Annika was scared by Shivaay's anger, but she knew she had to make him understand the situation.

"Shivaay, she was talking about killing herself, initially I had ignored her but then she said it is better to die than getting married, I had no choice but to talk to her!

What if she had tried to go through with committing suicide, do you think that would have been better?" Annika asked Shivaay trying to make him understand the situation.

"I would have handled it! No one asked you to interfere! Who are you to make any decision in my life?" Shivaay asked his anger clouding his sense of judgement.

Annika knew he was angry, but she knew that right now the most important thing was to get out of this mess with the least amount of damage.

She moved to stand in front of him and with courage that she did not know she had; she took his face in her hands.

Her palms cupped his stubbled cheeks as she turned his head to face her.

In a calm soothing tone, she said "Shivaay, there is no use crying over spilt milk, instead of being angry you need to calm down and we need to think of a solution.

One that does not involve deceiving your family and spoiling someone's life."

Shivaay reluctantly looked at Annika, he was angry at her, after what happened yesterday, he did not even want to see her face and yet he knew what she was saying was correct, he needed to take a decision with a calm head.

"Why do not you give me the solution then, miss oh so smart Annika" Shivaay said sarcastically.

"Okay, I think I know what we can do.

First, we need to inform your family about the situation.

Second, we need to fake the marriage, we will talk to the pandit ji and ask him to not be authentic about the mantras.

Then we need to convince someone, who was willing to take part in this fake marriage with you." Annika said quicky as one after the other ideas popped in her head.

When Shivaay heard her solution, he knew that hers was a much better solution than his and agreed to give it a try.

"Aap OmRu ko call kariye, main neeche jake sabko bata ti hun" saying this Annika left hurriedly to get the Oberois updated on the storm that was about to hit them.

Shivaay quicky called Om and informed him about the situation. He asked him to send Rudra up and talk to the Pandit Ji about the situation.

Meanwhile Annika who reached at the mandap quickly got hold of Dadi and explained the situation to her.

Dadi was shocked after hearing the news but getting a hold of herself, she asked Annika to send Pinky and Tej to Shivaay's room and update Shakti and Jhanvi about the happening.

Annika followed Dadi's instruction and asked Tej and Pinky to go up as Dadi had called them. She did not tell them the reason knowing that they will be updated when they meet Shivaay and Dadi.

She then quickly went to Shakti and Jhanvi and told them everything. They assured her that they will handle everything down there and she should go up and see the progress of the situation.

Annika took their advice and again ran up to the groom's dressing room.

When she reached there, she saw Pinky aunty crying bitterly while Tej uncle paced the floor with worry etched on his face.

Shivaay stood to the side supporting Dadi as she too had tears in her eyes.

When she entered the room, Shivaay looked at her and his eyes showed his helplessness.

Annika moved in and held Pinky in her arms trying to console the crying woman.

She looked at Shivaay and asked him if the Pandit ji was set.

Shivaay replied that Om had talked to the pandit and the pandit agreed. Now all they needed was a girl who could take Tia's place.

Annika suggested Soumya as she was trustworthy and a family friend.

Shivaay was considering it when Rudra spoke that Soumya will not be able to fit in the bridal lehnga.

Agreeing to his point, Dadi suggested Annika to do it.

Annika refused initially but when Pinky and Tej also backed up Dadi's words she agreed.

They decided that Annika would cover her face and neck with the veil entirely and they will cook up some story of 'apshagun' to see the brides face.

Then during the mantra when Shivaay will have to tie the Mangalsutra around her neck he will fake it and same with the 'Sindoor' with fake mantras, no mangalsutra and no sindoor the marriage will not be valid, and they can leave this day behind like a bad memory and move on with their life.

With the decision made, everybody quickly left the room instructing Annika and Shivaay to follow them soon.

Annika got ready in the bridal lehenga and covered her face.

They made their way to the mandap and sat down to proceed with the fake marriage.

When it was time to tie the mangalsutra, Shivaay tuck it at the side of her hair and when he needed to put the Sindoor he just winked at her and put it on her cheeks.

They both smiled at each other and finally with the sath pheras the fake wedding was over.

When the Oberois and Annika reached the mansion, they rejoiced in their victory of averting a big disaster.

They thanked Annika for saving their family once again and Annika left the OM with a happy face.

Reiteration-How I wanted it to be(Shivika FF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें