Tia playing the Villain

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A/N: //-------------

Annika is supposed to be a straightforward, not scared of anyone kind of person right, so it didn't make sense how Tia belittled her and she didn't respond back. Shivaay may believe Tia over Annika but that didn't stop her from finding proof against her, then why will she hisitate to defend herself. So, for this version Annika isn't going to be a victim, she will face Tia head-on.
Background: - Season 3 Ep 21 Ishqbaaz

Tia lies to Shivaay to get money from him and then goes to meet Annika with it.


--Narrator's POV—

The last few days have been really satisfying for Tia, she has successfully managed to create a wedge between Shivaay and Annika.

Not wanting her progress to go in vain she decided to deliver the final punch and knock down Shivika once and for all.

With that thought in mind, she goes to meet Annika with a wad of cash in hand, her face displaying a smirk of victory.

--Annika's POV—

I was assigning the house help their respective task when suddenly a hand with a wad of cash was shoved in my face, it was followed by Tia's voice asking me to take it.

I turned around to face her and asked "What is this for?".

She gave me an innocent look and replied that the money was the compensation Shivaay had offered to me for my services.

I replied to her with a straight face that all I do, is my job and I get paid for it.

On hearing my reply Tai again smiled and spoke

"Oh Annika, as if you don't know anything. This isn't for your wedding planner job this is for all the other services you have provided to Oberois.

Especially where you announced to the world that Shivaay spent the night with you to give him an alibi.

Well, he is very grateful for it, but you see now that your services are done, he is giving you a tip, what is it you call this in your language, uh yes 'Bakshish'.

So, take this and leave him alone" With that Tia threw the wad of Cash at me and turned around preparing to walk out of the room.

I was hurt, if what she said was true then Shivaay was really crossing the line now.

Each day he will give her a new blow and then come back worried about her.

Just like this morning, yesterday he was badmouthing me, calling me an opportunist, and then today he was all frantic that I was attacked, worried if I got hurt, complaining about why I didn't pick up his call, and so on.

This dual personality of his was giving me a headache and so I decided I will clear this mess now.

Making up my mind, I called out "Tia, wait!"

Hearing my call, Tia stopped her forward march and turned around to face me. Her right eyebrow arched higher than the other, her lips slanting to one side and her hands folded above her chest. Her posture screamed annoyance and impatience.

Not paying heed to her obvious disapproval at being stopped I moved forward reducing the difference between the both of us. "Actually, there was something I wanted to remind you," I said now standing at a feet distance from her.

"What?" She questioned bored.

"Just that tip is called Bakshish not only in my language, considering you speak Hindi as well, you might have forgotten but no worries I just wanted to offer my service to you," I said giving her a sweet smile that was so fake that even a child would know.

Reiteration-How I wanted it to be(Shivika FF)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें