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It's the morning of Zac's birthday and he woke in a great mood. He wished he had waken up to someone. Karen had gotten him slightly used to rolling over to someone. He didn't miss Karen he just missed the presence of someone being there. She was the first woman he had kind of let in to see a more softer side of him. He never allowed a woman to stay over. He actually spent time with Karen wanting to her and wanting to let her know him. That moment was short lived when his phone rang. 

"What up old man Happy Birthday" Troy some into the phone 

"Thank you young blood" they both laughed

"You ready for this party tonight it's going up for you my nigga" 

"I'm as ready as can b, what y'all niggas got up y'all sleep man" 

"Don't worry about it, I'll never forget my 21st and how special you made it so just relax big cuz I got you." Troy said with sincerity

Remembering the events that transpired at the end of that night it was a brief  moment silence. That nigga Von was my day one and he pulled the most back door ass shit I could ever think of.  Zac refused to allow those feelings to food his mind and take over his mood so he quickly broke the silence.

"That's what we do for each other FAMILY OVER EVERYTHING"

"Exactly! What that nigga Demetrius doing you talked to him today?"

"Hell naw you know that nigga got like five shorties running around he be having his hands full"

"I'm finna dial him in"

Calling Demetrius.....

"Yyeeeeeeerrrrrr" Demetrius answered the phone as he always do 

"Tf you doing you ain't called yo nigga and wished him a Happy Birthday yet fool" Troy said into the speaker 

"I was dead ass was just about to call him. Lil meechie had a football game this morning and I was tied up"

"Told you that nigga had a million kids he be busy" Zac said laughin. He didn't mind Demetrius hadn't called yet because he knew his nigga ain't forget.

"Yoooo yo bitch ass on the phone nigga. Happy Birthday dirt bag." Demetrius said loud as hell

"Thank you fuck face how'd he play today probably got ran over like his slow ass daddy."

"Nigga had him a game 2 touchdowns and a punt return."

"Aight nephew ain't shit like his slow ass daddy then, he like uncle Zac." Laughing 

"So y'all ready for these hoes tonight, well not yo married ass MEECH cuz I'm snitch in if u cheating " Troy said letting out a light laugh

"What happened to the code bro, rat ass nigga" they all laugh 

"I'm ready to see how everybody fuck wit yo boy tonight, these females come a dime a dozen ain't shit special bout 'em" Zac retorted

"Aight y'all let me finish handling this business ima get up wit y'all at party time" Troy said hangin up the phone.

Troy still had a lot of his finances from his life in New York as well so he wanted to make sure to get Zac something extra special for his birthday like he had done for him. He headed out to the jewelry store first. Zac has been talking about a new ring and new chain for months now so he had one made for him. Pulling up to the jewelry store he see's a familiar face. He hurries and hops out to catch up to her. 

"Yoooo yo miss lady." He yells to get the woman's attention

"You not talking to me like that" she laughs and leans in for a hug

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