Come Up For Air

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Hanging up the phone from Troy, Zac had a concerning yet sad look on his face. Noticing the change in demeanor Fatima got up and sat where he was. "You ok?" She asked concerned. Lost in his thoughts and what his next move would be he didn't answer, not because he was ignoring her but because he didn't know if he was ok. He finally turned to her and shrugged. She sat on top of him and hugged him tightly. Whispering in his ear "it's going to be ok". Those simple words lifted his spirit. No woman has ever cared if he was ok as long as he was functioning so this felt good and he didn't want the hug to end. "Thank you gorgeous" he said. "You wanna talk about it?" Reluctantly he said "my sister was found dead, in her no good ass man finally accomplished his goal". With tears in his eyes. He thought "idk why I'm sad I tried to take care of this nigga for her, sent her away to protect her and she still testified against me so why am I hurting". He was hurting because he loved his sister and he knew deep down she was just as damaged but their upbringing as he was. Wiping the single tear that fell from his eye Fatima "I'm so sorry I..I..I don't know what to say. I'm here for you though! Whatever you need" with sincerity. Zac looked at her with amazement she was nothing like them. Nothing like the women he grew up around at all. "Just be here, can you do that?" Dropping his head. With her fingertips she lifts his head back up by the chin and stares into his eyes for a second before speaking "I can and I will" she leaned in to kiss him. Not knowing what to say or how to feel  he shed a few more tears and wiped his face. 

"You wanna talk about it?"

"It's nothing to really talk about. Her boyfriend was the reason I did a bid. I tried everything to protect her and she testified against me when he brought charges up against me"

Too stunned to speak all she could muster up was "wow"

"Yea ikr three years for a nigga to turn around and take her out after she testified against blood for you. The least he coulda did was spare her life. For showing that much loyalty."

He made a valid point but Fatima offered another perspective "I can see that but babe an abuser shows no mercy especially to a victim than he/she has been able to alienate. It's easy for them to take it too far because they feel the person has no one who cares"

Thinking about what she said and even in his sisters betrayal he says "it's my fault I shoulda fought harder I shoulda killed that motherfucker when I had the chance but I spared him the way he shoulda spared her."

"Hey NO! That's what you're not gonna do, it ain't yo fault Zac look at me. She made her choices and you made yours. It's nobodies fault a coward took her life but his. So stop that and had you killed him you woulda been gone a lot longer than three years and we would've never met" 

Making him smile with her last statement he got up and picked her up kissed her while spinning around and said "you're amazing you know that, I can self destruct in a split second and you just held me sumthin special girl"

With a sarcastically arrogant tone Fatima replies "mmmmm yea I'm pretty dope"

They sat and talked more about his past and he just about told her everything except who pulled the trigger on Von. He trusted Fatima but he wouldn't implicate Troy he was graduating in a month and that was the past. She told him about her life back in Philly before moving and he was surprised to find out what her father did for a living but it came to no surprise niggas gotta make a living the best way they know how to provide for their families. He learned she had four brothers two older (one deceased) the other left home because he was just wilding then Dre and Marcus whom he briefly met. They talked for hours...

Zac's party was Friday it's now Sunday and they've yet to come up for air. Completely strung out on each other just in the house. It hasn't been a dull moment, no awkward silence and there has been non stop smiles and jokes throughout the house. As corny as it is they're caught up in a world wind. 

"So it's Sunday and I have work tomorrow as much as I don't wanna leave you I have too."

"I get it mamas we been cooped up in here all weekend anyway, I'll take you home" Zac said giving her the puppy dog eyes

"I meeeaannn I don't have to leave right now, just at some point"

"Aight so what you wanna do"

"I can cook dinner or we can go out, it's still your bday weekend so I can do something for you" 

"I don't wanna share you with the world yet, I'm selfish I want you all to myself... so I vote cook." 

"Ok PNB Zac I'll cook" she laughed walking towards the kitchen 

"You got jokes and it doesn't matter whatever you make I'm grateful." Zac never had a woman cook for him before. He stayed with groceries because he knew how to cook himself so unless it was something special he had everything she needed.

"Ok well go watch tv or the play the game until I'm done" 

"You don't want my company? You not gon be mad I'm not paying you attention?"

"I would love your company but it doesn't bother me if you take moments to yourself to do things you like to do, or to just even be alone." 

Zac was completely turned on because she was so easy to deal with he's starting to she she doesn't require much and probably won't ask for much either. He walks into the bedroom and turns on his game. About an hour and a half later dinner is ready and she sets the table. For him she made stuffed chicken that had perfect thin layer of crispy skin and for self a Mediterranean glazed salmon over a bed of spinach they each had garlic and herb mashed potatoes and asparagus. To drink she poured wine and called Zac out to eat. He couldn't believe his eyes. He walked to the table in silence kissed her and sat down. "Looks amazing Damn lady what can't you do?" He asked in all seriousness. "Hmmm i don't know I'm pretty good at everything" They eat and talk and enjoy the last few hours of each others company until it's time for Fatima to leave. They're cleaning the kitchen when Fatima phone rings. She dries her hands and answers

"Hello, wassup Dre"

"Wassup Tima"

"What's goin on why you sound like that"

"Yo brother went home threatening to give dad up if he ain't give him money to leave town cuz he on the run"

"This nigga, what the fuck he do now" 

"Say he killed some bitch in New York the nigga losing his mind" 

"Bricks been lost his mind when he did what he did years ago"

Zac is still in the kitchen cleaning and the Unix is playing so the mention of the name never reached his ears. Not fully caring about her brother or the situation because it's what he always did. Fatima didn't connect the dots and Zac never said a name. Her and Dre hang up and she tells him she'll call when she get home to deal with it. Back in the kitchen with Zac he grabs her close and dance to the music with her. She's feels like a little girl wrapped in his arms. They head out shortly after to take Fatima home. They arrive at her house. Zac is impressed he thought his condo was something he ain't have shit on her. He walked her to her door kissed her goodnight and said he'll call when he gets back home. They part ways with their heads in the cloud.

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