It's Really Happening

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"Hello Ms. Wilson. How are we feeling today?" Dr. Mendi asked cheerfully 

"I'm good nothing feels different" Fatima said with a crooked smile

"That's good to hear, not much will feel different just yet you still have a ways to go. Is this dad?" Dr. Mendi spoke extending her hand to Zac

"Yes it is this is Zac" Fatima said smiling 

"How are you? Dr. Mendi, it's a pleasure to met you Zac" 

"Likewise Doc, likewise" Zac spoke calmly, who underneath was a nervous wreck. It's his first child he doesn't know what to expect. 

"So what do you say we get this underway?"

"Ok" Fatima replied with excitement

"Ok, let's do it. This may be a little cold but nothing uncomfortable" Dr. Mendi starts to perform the ultrasound. Everything looks good the baby appears to be healthy.

"Is that my baby?" Fatima asked pointing at the screen with tears in her eyes. Looking over at Zac whose just taking with a starlight gaze. He can't believe he's going to be a father, he knew but this just makes it real actually seeing his seed grow he is completely amazed. Fatima smiles and rubs his face, they lock eyes "that's our baby" they say in unison. 

"Yes it is, and he or she is going to be a chunky little something, you're only about two months but the baby is pretty big for this stage, uht oh." Dr. Mendi said 

"What? What's wrong doc?" Zac sat up and asked

"Nothing there are actually two!":Dr Mendi  stated winking at fatima letting her know she was joking. Zac just looked so nervous, she often played this trick on new fathers....moving the transducer around Fatima's stomach . Zac and fatima look at eachother shocked. "Two?" ZAC said "I don't think I can deal with two at once plus fatima doc" Dr. Mendi laughs "I'm kidding Zac it's just one really healthy baby, lighten up you'll do fine. I've been Fatima's doctor for five years and I know if you're the reason she's beenn smiling so much lately, you'll knock being a dad out the park" she said resting her hand on his knee "you got this" she reassured him. Laughing Fatima looks at Zac "and what's wrong with two little mini me's?" Zac cutting his eyes at fatima not having to say a word they both laugh. "Ok let's check the heartbeat" The heartbeat echoes throughout the room and fatima is a big ball of emotions she cries tears of joy holding Zac's hand. "Nice and strong. This baby is going to be a force" Dr. Mendi said smiling at the couple. Dr. Mendi cleaned Fatima's stomach and left the room for a second. Sitting upright Fatima and Zac talk a little both overjoyed and proud to be bringing a life into the world. Dr. Mendi returns hands the pair the ultrasound pictures and schedule the next appointment. Leaving the doctors office now down in the lobby of the hospital they see two men carrying a barely breathing Devon through the door. Taken back by his appearance Fatima looks at Zac both happy and confused. Damn when he said tortured that is not what I expected  he really worked him overtime. Stunned by the sight they slowly walked past catching them stare Devon's brother let go of him leaving the other guy to carry all the weight of his limp body. 

"Y'all did this" Devon's brother spoke loud enough to startle a few patients and workers

"I'm sorry did what?" Fatima said 

"You two did this to him I know you did. He was only looking out for you?"

"Nigga kill that noise before you look just like him accusing us of some shit" Zac said talking low through tight lips now directly in Devon brothers face "he worked for me and got fired, last I saw him he was good, so calm down wit all that shit" 

"Let's go babe before me and the hospital catch another body" Fatima said never blinking staring the man down

"I know it was y'all ima prove it" Devon brother said as his voice cracked

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