Chapter 10 (Lyssa)

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Lyssa walked outside to get some fresh air, she had been looking for the girl for so long, maybe she left? Lyssa thought, it really was the only explanation, maybe I should go look for Lillie Lyssa thought again, for it was her idea. 

"Excuse me?" someone said from the doorway, Lyssa turned around, expecting to see Tava again but this person was different. It was a boy not a girl, and his hair was dark brown, his eyes were greener than the grass, and he looked pretty done with today, Lyssa was good at reading peoples expressions, Lillie was too. "Are you looking for someone." they asked again, Lyssa nodded and pulled out the picture of the girl, the boys eyes widened a little, not a lot just enough to be noticed, "What's your name kid?" the boy asked again, Lyssa shrugged, she didn't know him, and he didn't know her, Lyssa looked at the floor, when she looked back up the boy was gone, Lyssa panicked maybe is was a mistake for her to have showed him the picture, "Well, what are doing come on." someone said from behind her, Lyssa spun around, there he was, the same boy, "C'mon lets go find Callie" he said again shoving his hands in his pockets.

When they walked back inside, Lyssa started looking around, "Hey I don't think I caught your name." the boy said,

"Lyssa" Lyssa replied in a whisper only he could hear,

"I'll be damned she speaks." he said back, Lyssa let out a laugh, short but sweet. "Well my names Jordan." he said holding out a hand for Lyssa to shake, she took it and Jordan smiled. "So what grudge do you have against Callie?" he asked.

"What! What are you talking about," Lyssa yelped.

"You really don't know what I'm talking about." he asked again. Lyssa shook her head, Jordan sighs, 

"I just-" Lyssa starts, Jordan looks at her but Lyssa refuses to make eye contact, "She was in my vision." Jordan raises an eyebrow.

"Vision?" he questions,

"Yea like little visions of the future, I don't know when it happens though." Lyssa explains,

"Wow, you would have been one of Mack's favorites," Jordan says, Lyssa blushes,

"Lyssa!!" Lillie yells, "Look who I found!!" Lyssa turns around, and Lillie is running towards them with Callie running close behind them.

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