Chapter 13 (Lillie)

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I kept on walking and every once in a while I would get lost and have to look at google maps, it took 20 minutes but I finally arrived at my house. When I walked in my mom was worried, and just a little hysterical.

"Lillie what took you so long?!" my mom practically yelled.

"It's fine mom." I replied reassuringly.

"No it's not! Where were you?" my mom asked,

"I was at Lyssa's house-Catching up on homework.." I lied. My mom put her hands on her hips and stared me down, searching me for lies, I was good at this- I put my hands in my pockets and made it look like I didn't have a care in the world, this usually works, showing no expression when you tell a lie makes the person your telling the lie to believe you, most of the time. When she was sure there was no lie for me to tell, she gave up. 

"Fine I don't care, just.. Not again, got it." my mom sighed, 

"Fine" I complained, I turned on my heel and started heading to my room, My room was at the end of the hallway on your right. I walked into her room not bothering to look up at my room, I know my room is a mess, but I never have time to clean it. As soon as I was in my room with the door closed ready to go to sleep I couldn't move, it was like someone was controlling my every move, then I felt her body being moved I felt myself turn around to face someone, they were hiding their face in the light but I could tell it was a man, when he revealed himself I was in shock, it was the person Callie identified as Mack, 

"Well Lillie we meet at last." Mack said plain and simple, I tried to respond but I couldn't do or say anything, "Tava was right, I like the way you think, would you like to come with me and we can discuss things elsewhere?" He asked, I tried to speak, to say something, instead my legs started moving left right, left right, until I was 2 feet away from Mack, Callie and Jordan warned me and Lyssa how dangerous Mack was, and I could see why now, the man Lyssa described in her vision was a striking resemblance of the man standing in front of me, dark black hair, brown eyes, about 5'11'. I looked into his eyes trying to create something in his mind, no matter how hard I tried however,  nothing seemed to work, he smiled at my efforts, he was entertained with me trying to use my power to stop him. I reverted to looking at the floor, wanting to avoid his gaze and that creepy grin of his. I wanted this day to be over, suddenly someone walked in, all of a sudden I could move my body again. I took a deep breath in and spun around, then I felt dizzy and before I knew it I was on my knees trying not to pass out, every time I blinked more black started to cloud my vision, the last thing I saw was Mack crouching down next to me looking me in the eye, "Ready to have some fun?" He asked.

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