Chapter 15 (Lyssa)

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I sit alone, while the teacher talks,

"Today we will be learning about blah blah blah." he says, I keep zoning out and back into reality, all the while looking back and forth between the classroom door and the empty seat next to me, "Alyssa are you with us?" my teacher asks. 

"That's not my name, it's Lyssa." I say correcting him.

"Right right sorry. Lyssa are you with us?" he asks again, I nod and he proceeds with the lesson. Lillie's late, shes never late, I raise my hand, the teacher looks surprised, "Oh um, Lyssa you have a question?" he asks me. I shake my head no and he looks confused, everyone in the class is looking at me and I feel my face start to blush.

"No it's just-" I start, the teacher looks at me expectantly, "did Lillie tell you where she is." my teacher raises an eyebrow, then looks like he feels sorry for me,

"No sorry Lyssa," he says, then he continues teaching. I slump back into my seat, I look over to the other kids whispering things to each other and I try to ignore them.

After class I walk to my next class, which is math, which is the only subject I'm actually good at. When I sit down I immediately open my book to the page I left off on when someone slams both of there hands on my desk.

"Well someone's reading again," they sneer,

"Well someone's annoying again." I say without looking away from my book. The kids watching are watching with interest, what they are really hoping for, is either for us to start fighting or us to get caught my the teacher, instead of leaving me alone though she continues to try to piss me off even after me having already won the battle. Then the girl makes the biggest mistake of her life, a decision that if I had Callie or Lillie's gift I would have struck her down right there, the girl grabs my book and throws it across the room.

"Ooo what are you gonna go now weirdo." the group surrounding us taunts, I stand up and try to keep my cool, even though I can feel tears starting to form in my eyes, when the teacher enters the room everyone scatters leaving me standing awkwardly in the middle of the class, I shamefully walk over, pick up my book, and then return to my seat, hot tears start falling down my cheeks, and when I plop down in my seat I put my head in my arms and lay on my desk, now out of view I start to cry, the best part was math is the last class of the day after this we could all just go home, and the other best part the teacher never called on me.

By the time class ended I had 2 pages of exponent math homework because of not participating as the class went on, they went over all the work together but I missed all the answers, I needed the extra practice anyways. By the time class ends I don't move not even when the teacher sits in the desk next to me and shakes my shoulder, probably to make sure i'm still alive, I think to myself.

"Lyssa are you alright?" she asks. I shake my head no not wanting to say anything, "do you want to tell me what happened?" another shake of the head, "well everyone left already." she says again. "hey what book is this?" she asks more to herself than to me, I look up just a little to see whats shes doing, shes reading the books blurb, and I can see the cover, Kings Cage by Victoria Aveyard. I smile remembering the part I left off on, then I frown remembering the day I had without Lillie to back me up, I want to cry again but I have no more tears, "come on stand up, your da-" her voice fades out and then it happens again I feel myself start to drift out of reality and I start to appear in a place I do not recognize, when I open my eyes ready for what this vision of the future brings me I am brought to tears at what I see, Jordan dead, Olive dead, Chris dead, Callie dead, but the one that messes me up is Lillie dead.

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