Chapter 11 (Eve)

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I looked up at the ceiling, my head still pounding, 

"YOU LOST THEM!!" Mack yelled from the doorway, I closed my eyes, damn my head, it hurts so much, "I can't believe you Eve. Should have never trusted you with such a task," Mack yelled again,

"Ooo someones in trouble" Tava cooed, I tilted a hand in Tava's direction, wanting my vines to strangle every last breath out of her damn body, I felt a plant start to create in my hand, but as it was about to spring to life Mack stopped it by taking over my body, my plant slowly started to decease in my hand until there was nothing left, 

"You know better Eve, don't push it!" Mack scolded, I tried to sit up but someone pushed me back down on the bed,

"If you try to get up again Eve I swear," Sara exclaimed.

"Sara, I get your trying to help, but I don't know what that brat did." I exclaimed, Mack let go of my mind and body, 

"Don't call her a brat, you did try to kill her after all." Tava said defensive,

"I'm sorry you did what?!" Mack retorted back,

"If we needed to you said we could," I retorted back at him, You told us to, I thought as well, Mack looked pissed, 

"Close your eyes." Sara whispered into my ear, I did as I was told, and I felt someone put a hand on my forehead, the pain started going away, until it was not as strong as it was before, however it was still there,

"I see Alice's gift is working in your favor Sara." Mack said with a slight grin, Sara shrugged, 

"Yea well it's still not as strong as hers" Sara told him.

"It's no fair how come Sara has multiple powers but we only have one?" Tava complained.

"I don't have multiple powers, I just absorb other peoples powers, Hey Mack." Mack looked at Sara, "I got Callie's power so if you need any-" Mack cut Sara off by waving a hand,

"You said it yourself Sara, when you absorb peoples powers its not as strong as it would be for them," Mack said this while leaning back against the wall, Sara nodded shutting up.

"So which one of us are you going to send?" Tava asked.

"None of you." Mack replied, I opened my eyes and sat up, the pain came back immediately and I put a hand on my head to try to stop it, but I was not Sara and it came back. 

"What do you mean none of us?" I asked Mack, he looked into my eyes and I saw a grin coming in his own, instead on answering my question he turned to Tava,

"How have you come so far with those two girls?" He asked her. Tava looked surprised that he was talking to her,

"Oh I um, yea so Lillie and Lyssa are friends and they both have powers apparently, I think you would like Lillie especially though Mack," Tava told him.

"And why is that?" he asked.

"Because she can create things in your mind, you know make you see things that aren't really there"

"For once in your life you might be right!" Mack mocked, Tava glared at him.

"When can I leave?" I asked Sara, she looked done with me.

"You can go when I know what Callie did to you." she explained.

"I'm calling him." Mack said,

"Who?" the three of us asked in unison, Mack just smiled.

"You'll see."

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