Ch. 11. Expect the Unexpected

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It was Thursday, the day I had been anticipating since I received the letter from Jungkook. I woke up in the morning, practically jumping out of bed and went to use the bathroom. As I was brushing my teeth and humming to myself, I suddenly felt unwell. I ignored it as I continued brushing, but then I felt all warm and clammy and was violently sick in the sink.

I tried to think as I went downstairs had I eaten something bad, but couldn't think what. My stomach churned when I smelt the cooked eggs mother had prepared.

"You look the colour of death" Mother said, looking concerned, as she plated up the eggs. "Are you not quite well"

I sat down at the breakfast table as mother put the breakfast down in front of me. "Im thinking it's perhaps a mild flu mother" I put my head in my hands as I felt like I was going to throw up, but managed to stop myself.

"Well go rest y/n" Mother scolded "Before you throw up all over the table" I ran back upstairs and kept my head over the sink. I threw up once more and cleaned my face, before returning to bed. I lay there worried about whether I would feel well enough to meet Jungkook later.

After a while with a little rest, I felt slightly better . I dragged myself out of bed and went to tend to the horses, afterwards making my way towards the park to meet Jungkook. I felt very weak and shivery, bit I wouldn't miss meeting him for the world. I just wished i had not taken ill as my misfortune would have it.

When I arrived, Jungkook wasnt there yet. I really wasn't feeling right. Jungkook suddenly appeared, looking radiant and in good mood, I was so pleased to see him but when I stood up, he saw right away I did not look well and his face dropped.

"Are you ok, y/n?" he asked concerned, moving towards me, wrapping me in his arms. "You look unwell"

"I'm fine" I said weakly, my voice shaking. Suddenly the urge to throw up took over me again and I turned to throw up in the bushes. Jungkook held my hair back and looked at me with concern.

"What do you think is wrong?" he asked.

"I don't know. I've been like this all morning. I'm so sorry I'm disgusting" I said taking a seat. "I don't want to give you what I have"

"Don't worry about that" Jungkook said, rubbing my back as I put my head in my hands.

"As long as your ok. Wait ... you don't think you could be?"

Jungkook was looking at me with worry.

"Could be what?" I asked confused. Then realising what he meant. Oh God! How long had it been ? My period definitely was late. I looked at him, fear overcoming our faces.

"Oh God, y/n" Jungkook said standing up. He was looking very upset and frantic, oh God was he going to leave me forever? He started pacing back and forth. "This is an absolute disaster. How are we to deal with this situation? How can we keep this a secret now, if your with child"

Jungkook finally sat down. "You will have to say it's with someone else. A farm boy. Do you think I could do that ?"

"What ?" I exclaimed. "What would my parents think of me. Thinking I've been out in the potato field behind their back rolling around with one of our workers"

"Oh and rolling about with the Prince is going to be any better is it?" Jungkook asked. He was fidgeting badly. He was making this seem like it was my fault. We both had consented that day, now it was my problem, now I looked like I was the irresponsible one, the lowest lowlife of society. "Y/N. I am a Prince, look at it from my point of view, this was supposed to be a secret"

I didn't say anything. I was just disappointed by his response. Throwing all the blame on me. Now it was my problem to deal with. "Do you even love me" I said after some time.

"Of course I do" Jungkook said, his face softening. "I wish this was something we could be happy about"

I stood up, feeling anger running through me. I bowed. "You know what, your highness. Just forget about us"

"What ? Y/N?" Jungkook exclaimed. I turned to go and he took my hand.

"Let go!" I yelled. "I can't believe I ever loved you. Look what way you are leaving me. Fine, I'll go and marry a farm boy, if that's what you want. You've made it very clear"

I ran off crying hard. Jungkook didn't follow me. I assumed he had waited back. Half of me had wanted him to stop me. Oh everything was ruined, my whole life. I just couldn't take it anymore. This pain. I loved him so much, but why always I was feeling like this. What's worse was I could not forget him no matter how I tried. How long could i stay away? I just needed to sort my life out next.

Suddenly I heard Jungkook calling my name, I was almost back home at this point. I didn't look back feeling angered and hurt from his words. But secretly relieved he had followed also.

"I'm sorry" he exclaimed. "I didnt mean any of it"

I stopped and cried in his arms. We stood there for some time, finally he spoke. "I'm in love with you" I sobbed, holding him tighter. "I don't want to lose you"

"I love you too, I'm so sorry y/n. I was just shocked" He explained, then he looked as if an idea come to mind "I have an idea. Do you think you can get away a couple of days. Tell your parents something? I want us to be able to talk and spend some time together, figure things out"

I paused contemplating what he was saying. Father had asked me to help out weekends, I possibly couldn't get away on a Saturday. But as I looked into Jungkook's pleasing eyes, I knew I had to find a way.

"What? Like go where?"

"My cousins have an estate on the coast. But they have been staying at the Palace almost permanently. I can ask them if I can use it for a couple of days" he proposed.

I had no idea how I would convince my parents to let me go, but the prospect of The Prince's offer was something i could not refuse. I had quickly imagined us together, laying in a bed together, having time only for us. Oh I desired it more than anything ."How would we get there?" I asked curiously.

"I'll take the horse and cart myself" Jungkook suggested. "I am the Prince I can journey alone if I wish, so it should be fine for us both to go. I will collect you. Meet here on Saturday, when the first bell chimes"

I walked back home, feeling disillusioned by everything. A whirlwind of emotions, what if I were really pregnant? All I could think about were mother and father's reactions, and how I would explain. Would they shun me, make me give up the child to the orphanage. Would I spend the rest of my days paying for my actions. How I wished I couldve married Jungkook, then all could be ok. I decided I needed to just focus on trying to think of some way for Mother and Father to allow me away from the farm for a few days. Holding back my nausea I tried to think hard about what i could do. By the time I arrived home I had something of an idea...

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