Chapter 26: Flames 🔥 18+ mature content

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Warning - The following chapter contains mature content and also cigarette and spirituality mentions. Just a heads up guys if it's not your cup of tea I understand you may wanna skip this chapter.


"Turn around I wanna go back home" I said after an argument broke out again in the carriage. 

"Y/n you can't be serious" Jungkook said, with a sigh.

I hadn't been able to get Jiha from my mind. How close she had been to him, how pretty she was. How they had relations. It made me feel physically sick to my stomach.

"I wanted tonight to be romantic. I wanted it Jungkook. But it seems you are defending her"

"Oh but you can go around kissing Taehyung can you?" Jungkook retorted.

"I didn't kiss him"

"Oh but you wanted to didn't you" Jungkook said.

"No! I didn't!"

He turned away and opened the carriage door to the rain outside. "Your free to go"

"Fuck you!" I yelled, about to take the handle.

Jungkook reached the handle and pulled it shut.

"Fuck me!" He said in a serious tone.

He come close to be breathing heavily and looking angry.

"No I won't fuck you. We are done!"

"You cant resist me y/n" Jungkook leant in and started breathing down my neck as he whispered in my ear. "You love me admit it, you crave me every minute of the day. You want me in every way don't you"

I kept my gaze and folded my arms and said nothing. Jungkook licked his lips and started to trace his hands down to the hem of my dress, my passing my breasts and womanhood.  I tried my best to ignore him. I pushed him away and he fell back onto the seat.

"Just go to the manor. Don't touch me" I said. Jungkook was breathing heavily staring at me and said nothing as he went out to tell the horses to move on.

To my surprise he got back into the carriage instead of up front with the horses.

"It's unusual for me to be rejected" He spoke at last

"Oh im sorry" I said sarcastically waving my hands about. "Well!  Just because your the Prince doesn't mean I'm not a person and going to give into your every demand" I said keeping my arms crossed and gazing out the window.

"What makes you think your so worthy of my attention" Jungkook said angrily.

"You were the one started all of this... between us. That's something you have to ask yourself... you don't want me? That's fine. I'll leave. Forever !"

"No, y/n don't. Stop!" I got out of the carriage and Jungkook ran after me. I could barely see for the rain and almost fell into the mud.

"Marry me!" He yelled.

I turned around rain splashing in my eyes and shouted back, we were some distance apart at this point. My heart was pounding in my chest "What !"

Jungkook moved closer, wading through the mud. "Marry me"

Jungkook grabbed my face and pulled me in kissing me hard. "Let's do it"

When he pulled away I shook my head anxiously. "What? How... Your parents..."

"It doesn't matter. Even if they don't accept. Let's do it"

"Oh" Every emotion was stirring up at me as I looked into Jungkooks pleading eyes.

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