Chapter 24: Lord Darwins Party (mature references)

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As Hobi and I took off and conversed some about the performance I found my mind wandering off elsewhere and kept smiling to myself. I wrapped my arm around my waist imagining it were Jungkook holding me, flashbacks of the auditorium returning to me, our hearts pounding, candle lights flickering, our breathy moans, the heat from our bodies as they collided. I gripped the sides of the cart and Hobi stopped mid sentence looking at me confused.

I bit my lip to stop myself from the surprised waves of pleasure which were minutes from escaping my womanhood at the sheer memory of those moments. I gulped and glanced towards Hobi and smiled.

"Sorry ... I was lost in a bit of a daydream"

Hobi shifted uncomfortably. "Right... so anyway do you think your prepared for tomorrow night"

I nodded and sighed as the night wind breezed through my hair. "Well if I'm not ready tonight, when will I ever be?"

Thinking about it now I wondered was Jungkooks timing a good or a bad thing. My mind was anywhere but on the production now, but with all the preparations that had been put into place, I told myself if I just be confident things will work out.

When I got off the cart I waved goodbye to Hobi before entering the house.

Jimin emerged from the living room. "Oh your back, how was today?"

"Well I think tomorrow will be successful from our preparations" I said. Jimin was observing me and I could sense he knew something was up.

"Where is mother and father?" I asked observing the house seemed eerily quiet.

"They have that meeting with the farmers society" Jimin said, taking a step closer. "They won't be back until late"

"Oh, well can you tell them I'll be out" I said, I felt my voice begin to shake as I could see Jimin looking suspicious. "Hobi ... I've to , practice at his tonight"

Jimin raised an eyebrow. "You sure this doesn't have to do with a certain Prince?"

"How did you know" I asked shocked.

Jimin smiled, looking almost a little too unbothered than I had expected. "You could barely look me in the eyes, y/n"

I bowed my head shamefully  "Yeah your right, Jimin I'm really sorry"

"Look you love him and I can see that. I know the wedding won't go through with us" Jimin said. "But y/n are you sure he's ready to give you his all?"

"Well he said.. he and the Princess are over"

"And what of the King and Queen?"

I shrugged. "I have no news regarding them. I think he needs to speak with them"

Jimin put his arms on my shoulders. "Well then, y/n, I'm telling you this as your friend, not as your fiance. Tread very carefully. You are not secured yet as his love match"

Jimin was right. Things were not secured.

"But what if its because I'm engaged to you he isn't committing fully to me" I said after a minute.

"I'll talk to your parents that it's called off. Now come go, they won't surely mind when you have a love match with the Prince in the end. I'll tell them your staying at Hobis"

Jimin and I hugged and I opened the door to leave. I turned back sadly. "But what of you Jimin. Will you be happy?"

Jimin smiled. "Do not worry about me" He pushed me out the door. "Now go, get your Prince!"

I turned and stopped. Jimin and I just stared at each other in silence, the wind whipping through our hair. "Whats wrong?"

"Jimin I'm scared. I don't want to go"

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