Chapter 20: New reality

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Tears poured down my cheeks as I stared out the window with my hands bound and my mouth gagged.

And yet I remained in the arms of the man I thought I loved. He promised me that I was his world, but right now I was his prisoner and he my captor.

"Princess, don't cry. You know I'm only looking out for your safety" Leon cooed softly as he wiped his finger down my cheek.

Leaning away from him, I looked out the window to see the same private jet that we arrived on when we first landed in France. But again, something was off.

"Let's go Princess".

Ignoring Leon, I raised my head and stared straight ahead listening to all the laughs at my defiance.

"Arabella. I'm going to count to 3 and you better be out the car by 3".

Looking out the window, I frowned at the pilots as they walked down the ladder. They weren't the same men that brought us here. No-one was the same.


Tears pricked the lining of my eyes hearing Leon's sweet and soft voice. The one that I had always warmed to.

Looking up at him hoping it was just a dream, I noticed Leon frowning at me. It was like a personality change, but his eyes were bloodshot and his body jittery.

"Here you are boss" one of his guards came up to him and handed him a cigarette. I had never seen Leon smoke so much. He admitted to occasionally having a cigarette when stressed, but it was clear he was now a full time smoker.

Watching the murderer in front of me, I silently observed him smoking the cigarette. His eyes rolling to the back of his head as he took a drag of the disgusting thing.

"1, 2, 3".

And just like that, the horrible man was back.

Screaming bloody murder as he dragged me out by my leg, I punched and kicked at his body in an attempt to run back to Alec. But Leon was too fast. He was always one step ahead.

"It's always him isn't it? Baby, he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. But I guess I'll have to do things the hard way".

Being thrown over Leon's shoulder, I flailed my arms and legs around not caring about the men laughing at me.

"I thought you agreed to share me. W-What changed. I loved you both" I sobbed into his shoulder feeling completely confused by everything.

"He was trying to steal you from me" Leon responded as he carried me onto the private plane.

Watching everyone get on the plane after us, I collapsed onto Leon's shoulder and cried for the loss of everyone I loved. I didn't even know if Alec was alive or not and the other man who I thought was my universe killed who I thought was his best friend.

Feeling myself get dropped onto a bed, I crawled as far away from Leon as I possibly could and stared down at my hands and body that were still stained with Alec's blood.

"How can you think that? He's your best friend. Brothers for life, that was your code. YOU KILLED HIM! YOU MURDERED HIM IN COLD BLOOD. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU" I screamed at him as I threw pillow after pillow at him, but he didn't move a single inch.

"Are you finished?" he asked, his tone of voice near mocking me.

"NO. I LOVE ALEC, YOU HEAR ME! I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU THE WAY I LOVE HIM! YOU'VE LOST ME FOREVER YOU BASTARD. I don't know who you are" I whispered the last part, fearful by the enraged expression on his face.

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