Chapter 37: Honeymoon

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I am very very sorry for the long wait. I've moved house so it's taken a while to settle in, but things are the best they've ever been so I am hoping to go back to updating more frequently. As a way of apologising for the long wait, here's a longer than usual chapter. 

The next morning


"Good morning, my handsome hunk biker of a man" I slurred out sleepily with my eyes still shut as Alec stroked his hand down my hair like I was a cat he was petting.

"How did you know it was me, doll?" Alec asked, but from the sound of his voice I knew he was smiling. 

"Because you stroke my hair and Leon pulls my hair. Also I can smell your aftershave. Smells like heaven" I sighed in content as I snuggled up to Alec's warm body.

"Doll, we need to talk. But first, you must eat" Alec demanded as I heard him bustle around with something nearby. 

The smell of pancakes instantly invaded my nostrils and without wasting another second, I opened up my mouth whilst lying on my back waiting for Alec to feed me whatever goodness he had prepared.

"I don't think so. I am not having you choke on your food on the first official day of our honeymoon" Alec growled out, and before I had the chance to open my eyes he lifted me up so I was now sat up leaning against the headboard.

Such a mother hen. Always fussing.

"You won't let me choke on a pancake, but you let Leon choke me with his dick until I blacked out. Cool" I smirked as Alec placed the tray in front of me, a pained expression flashed across his face before turning into an unimpressed stare.

"Careful with that backchat, doll" Alec warned before bringing the fork back to my lips. 

Bowing my head in submission at his stern voice, I opened my mouth and let him feed me the piece of pancake.

"But I am sorry, doll. I did try to stop him. That fuc- idiot had things planned out. I was shooting at the window to try and get to you. He crossed the line and I am sorry he put you through that" Alec sighed heavily as he handed me the fork so I could feed myself.

I continued eating whilst Alec sat beside me, stroking my hair as I demolished the pancakes he made. 

"I know you did. I could hear you talking angrily to yourself occasionally last night" I replied whilst resting my hand on his attempting to reassure him that I wasn't mad at him.

"You did? Damn, I thought you were in a deep sleep" he raised a brow as he looked down at me. 

"I was for most of the night, but it's like my mind could sense you were upset so I snuggled closer to make you feel loved" I smiled sweetly at him as I held a strawberry to his lips. 

"Such an angel. My very own angel sent from heaven" Alec chuckled adorably as he rubbed his nose on mine causing an uproar of laughter to escape past my lips. 

"And because I failed to keep my angel safe, I am going to put some distance between you and Leon today. What he did was unacceptable to cause you such pain" Alec growled out.

"No! You can't!" I pleaded. 

Ever since Leon thought I left him at that medical clinic, he's grown even more possessive. He would never admit it, but he's afraid when I'm not around him. 

"No, Arabella. I am putting my foot down on this one. You are spending the day with me, just me. Now, no more arguing. Eat your breakfast so we can begin the day" Alec replied with a stern tone, but gave me a small smile reassuring me he wasn't mad with me.

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