Chapter 46: The truth always comes out

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"He's been located. But you should know, he's a wreck though. We've taken him to the Visage hotel, penthouse floor 42. What are your plans?" Hank asked through the phone. 

"I'm self-discharging and informing them that Leon won't be coming back. I don't know what he's seen, but if he's a wreck then it must be serious". 

Holding the phone with my shoulder, I listened to Hank as I started to get ready.

Even though I probably wasn't entirely stable enough to be discharged yet, I wasn't going to waste another second in this hospital bed. Perhaps Leon witnessed Arabella being hurt or abused. No wonder he's a wreck feeling helpless witnessing that. 

"Just get here when you can, he needs his best mate" Hank replied before ending the call.

Packing all of my belongings and ensuring my wedding ring was on my finger, I neatly folded up the hospital gown and made the bed before walking to the reception desk.

"Excuse me, could you please find a doctor as I am self-discharging, as is Leon Cappello".

I wouldn't normally self-discharge against medical advice, but this situation was different. Time was ticking and I needed to bring Arabella home. 

The lady nodded before picking up the phone and dialled a short number. 

Staring down at my wedding ring, I closed my eyes praying that she was okay. I'd never recover if something were to happen to her. 

"If you'd take a seat, Sir. The doctor will come and speak to you as soon as he can".

Smiling appreciatively, I walked over to the row of empty seats and sat down with all of my belongings. 

Knowing I might be in for a long wait, I pulled out my phone from out of the inside jacket of my jacket and opened up the tracker app. 

"At least I know you're okay. But I'll bring you home soon, doll" I muttered quietly as I stared at the small red flashing dot. 


3 hours later

Stepping into the lift of Visage hotel, I pressed the button of the 42nd floor and anxiously watched the floor numbers go up.

Seconds felt like hours as it was as if the lift was intentionally moving slowly to prolong checking on Leon.

I hadn't a clue as to what was going on, but every fibre of my body sensed that something was wrong. And whether or not it was true, I had a feeling that everything was about to get a whole lot worse.

After what felt like ages, the lift finally reached the 42nd floor which opened up to a long empty corridor with the door to the penthouse suite at the end.

Taking big steps to shorten the distance, I knocked on the door expecting a delayed response, but Hank had seemingly been anticipating my arrival through the spy hole as he opened the door before I could finish knocking.

"Fuck, am I glad you're here" he said seemingly out of breath as he pulled me inside.

Placing down my belongings along with the walking stick, I slipped my jacket off as I stared at the closed bedroom door with the sound of glass shattering behind it.

"He won't talk to me. I have tried to help him, but he's inconsolable" Hank stared sadly at the door.

Wincing at the sharp pain from my wound site, I picked up my walking stick that was resting on the wall and started walking towards the closed door.

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