Chapter 45: Regret

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Smiling as I snuggled the thick duvet, I giggled as I felt a pair of warm lips leaving a trail of kisses from the top of my shoulder all the way down the arch of my spine. 

"Good morning, amore".

Shivering at the sensation of his lips and the tone of his voice, I whimpered as Franco ran his hand over my bare hips before pulling me possessively back against his bare body.

"Morning" I replied feeling incredibly shy.

"Oh, now don't get all shy on me, pet" Franco brought his hands to my naked breasts before pressing his lips against my neck.

Still reeling in the euphoric feeling of last night, I snuggled into Franco's strong body and sighed in content. 

"Any regrets?" he asked casually as he trailed his fingers down my bare back.

Subtly looking down at the wedding ring on my finger, I sighed deeply before looking back at Franco.

"No" I hummed out as Franco smiled in response.

"That's what I like to hear" he smirked as he slipped his hand down to my pussy.

Mature content because I am in the mood to hurt Alec and Leon

"Please" I moaned out unable to stand the teasing.

"Please what, bambina?" Franco growled before sinking his teeth into my neck as he slipped his finger inside.

Resting my head on his bare chest, I couldn't help but ride his finger as I tried to open my mouth to utter the words he wanted to hear.

"Fucking tell me, pet" he grunted as he fucked me faster with his finger.

"Please, fuck me" I moaned as I crashed my lips against his.

I attempted to dominate him with my lips, but like always I never got my way. Franco pulled his finger out and rolled me over so he was now hovering above me.

"Oh, I am going to do more than just fuck you" he smirked before leaning in slowly. 

"I am going to destroy you" he whispered before slapping his hand across my cheek.

Feeling myself slip into complete submission, I felt my stomach drop as he grabbed his erect dick and started rubbing it on my pussy.

"Damn, such a pathetic slut. Look at you, soaking wet already" he smirked as he lent down and dragged his tongue all the way from my collarbone all the way up to my jaw.

"Cazzo, you've messed up my bed" he groaned causing my cheeks to turn red from embarrassment.

"Well, guess you're gonna have to make it up to me" he smirked as he rolled over and laid with his arms above his head.

"Get to work, pet" he cocked a brow.

Knowing exactly what he was referring to, I got up on my knees and flicked my hair over my shoulder before crawling towards him.

He looked so effortlessly attractive as he watched me intently as I grabbed the base of his dick.

Wanting nothing more than to please him, I dragged my tongue from the base all the way up to the tip.

"Fuck" he hissed, the strong Italian accent thick as he continued to curse out in pleasure.

Feeling his hand stroke the back of my head, I relaxed my throat and slowly took all of him without triggering my gag reflex.

I used to have a terrible reflex, but with the way Leon fucked my mouth, I got over it quick.

Keeping my eyes on his, I gently closed my mouth so my teeth teased against his skin. 

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