Chapter 33: Take me with you

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A very early chapter update. Please bear in mind, I haven't checked this for spelling errors or grammar mistakes, so please ignore if there is one. I will edit it later. 



Choosing not to respond to Leon knocking on the door, I hugged Arabella's pillow tighter keeping my nose against the soft material. It still smelt like her. Everything in her room smelt like her. 

I couldn't move. With her body in the mortuary, I could only be in one place to keep the memory of her alive. Her bedroom was now my bedroom. I slept in her bed, I cuddled her pillow and the teddies she'd occasional sleep with. I ordered 50 bottles of her favourite perfume so her smell would never die.

"I have food, you need to eat" he muttered as I heard him place a tray down on her chest of drawers.

"Take it away" I mumbled as I turned the other way with my face now nuzzled in her light pink blanket. 

"Alec, it's been 3 whole days. You need to eat" Leon said again. 

"FUCK OFF LEON!" I yelled as I sat up and pointed my finger at him accusingly.

"Arabella is dead and you're acting like nothing has happened!! The love of our life died on the fucking pavement. She's gone and never coming back! So how can you act like so calm. How can you act so casual after her death" I yelled at him. How dare he act so emotionless.

Tears fell from my eyes as I collapsed back onto her bed. There hadn't been a single day passed without crying. I didn't think it was physically possible to cry this much.

"You have locked yourself in her bedroom ever since her body was taken away from us. You haven't seen shit, Alec. I have trashed my home. Broken windows, left fist sized holes in the walls and broken vases littering the hallways. I have also not slept since she died. But I am not going to sit and do fuck all. I am going to avenge my baby because that's how we do business. Lying in her room wishing she was back isn't going to bring her back. NOTHING is going to bring her back to us. But I am going to murder every single person connected to the bastard who took her from us. So, get your shit together and grab your gun. I have a location".

Glaring at Leon, I sighed heavily as he gently closed the door behind him showing the same grief stricken expression I was showing. I was once a man driven on blood lust and revenge, but Arabella changed that. She showed me how to forgive. She taught me how to trust. But those morals were out the window the moment she was murdered in front of me.

Keeping onto Arabella's cardigan, I walked over to her bathroom keen to wash up and get ready for revenge. Even though it was her bathroom, she had a little cabinet full of my stuff as I would end up spending half my time here.

Picking up her hair brush, I brought it to my nose and closed my eyes at the smell of her coconut hair oil lingering on the bristles.

"I am so fucking sorry, doll" I cried quietly, the guilt eating me alive as images of her bloody body lying on the ground came to mind.

Putting down her brush, I switched on the tap and splashed cold water on my face hoping to shock me out of this fucking terrible nightmare. But the ice cold water only made my new reality more real. 

Staring at myself in the reflection of the mirror, I ripped a towel from the heater towel rail and brought it to my face.

Dragging the material down my face, I frantically rubbed at the skin before stumbling back at the new image of Arabella's lifeless face staring back at me in the mirror.

"No, stop!" I cried as blood fell from her eyes, blood falling from her pale lips as she clutched onto her heart.

"I'm so so sorry!" I sobbed as I pressed my hands over my ears to stop the constant ringing my ears.

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