Chapter 54: Cuddles in bed

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Even though it had been a long time since I had the chance to pamper Arabella, we had to cut things short. I had just gotten her in the bubble bath when she threw up without warning. 

Naturally, she cried out of embarrassment and shame, sobbing that she had ruined what I had done for her. But nothing she could ever do would make me think less of her. She was carrying a baby, possibly my baby. Women are so damn powerful. And as a man, as her husband, I'd do anything and everything to take care of my queen throughout this beautiful yet hormonal and difficult journey.

So after cleaning her up and reassuring her over and over that there was nothing to be embarrassed about, I took out the pyjamas I had put in the heater box and put them on her body. I loved Arabella naked, but as I dressed her, I couldn't help but smile as I stared at her bare stomach knowing there was a tiny little human in there. 

Taking her back to her bedroom, I made sure to go back to the medical room and bring lots of essentials including anti sickness medication, pain relief and sick bowls. Of course, I made sure to bring her the heated blanket, a hot water bottle and a tray full of her favourite snacks.

Snuggling next to her as I encouraged her to take small sips of orange juice, I stroked her hair as she rested her head on my chest and sighed.

"I feel so gross" she moaned as I started to rub her stomach in a circular motion. 

"I know, doll. But it will pass. I'll look after you" I whispered lovingly into her ear as I pulled out her Ipad from the drawer.

Thinking I had calmed her down, I looked over bewildered as Arabella broke down into hysterical sobs. 

"Hey, hey, hey, why the tears, angel?" I asked in a panic as I pulled Arabella into my arms, my own hands trembling as she cried into my chest.

"Leon's gonna die, isn't he" she sobbed unable to catch her breath. 

Gently resting my hands on her cheeks, I forced her to look me in the eyes and waited for her to regain breathing.

"He's not going to die, you hear me" I repeated over and over hoping to influence her thinking.

"He is! I-I thought getting pregnant would make him change his mind. But now, he hates me. He doesn't want this baby. I'm going to lose him and there's nothing I can do" she sobbed uncontrollably.

"Shh, everything is going to be okay, doll" I whispered as I softly stroked her hair. 

"How can you be sure?" she asked through sniffles as her cries quietened.

"Because I just know" I smiled before gently kissing her adorably scrunched up nose.

Just as Arabella clutched her stomach and jolted up, I quickly grabbed the bowl and held her hair back as she threw up again. 

"I'm sorry" she sighed as I gently wiped her mouth with a tissue.

Rolling my eyes at her bad habit at apologising over every little thing, I climbed out of bed and carried the bowl over to the bathroom before emptying it down the toilet.

Flushing it away, I quickly cleaned the bowl before walking back into the room. 

To my surprise, all evidence of her tears had gone and instead I had walked back to Arabella smiling at her slim stomach.

"I'm going to be a mum" Arabella smiled as her eyes met mine. 

"The best mum ever" I replied in complete awe of my wife. 

Placing the bowl down on the bedside table, I climbed back into bed and watched as Arabella prodded and poked her stomach. 

Picking up my phone, I quickly took a picture of Arabella completely distracted by the idea of having a baby inside of her. 

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