Chapter 59: Life and death

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"God, if you are really there, please watch over my wife and daughter. I know I'm the least deserving of your mercy, but please spare my wife and baby. I'm guilty of thousands of crimes, but my daughter has not even taken her first breath and my wife has endured the suffering of others. They are innocent and I'm guilty. Take my life for theirs if it has to be done. But please, spare both of their lives, they're all I have left in this world".

Collapsing my head into my hands as I heard the faint sound of an emergency alarm coming from the operating theatre department, I looked up to see Hank holding out a cup of coffee.

"Any updates?" he asked as I shakily took the cup from his hand.

Nodding to the direction of the doors leading to the operating department, I sighed and shook my head in defeat.

"Brother, I know you're extremely worried, but there are other theatres in there. That alarm may not necessarily be for her. We have to remain strong and trust in the medical professionals".

Nodding at Hank's words of wisdom, I looked up at him from the floor and started to laugh. 

"Do you know what's crazy, in the midst of all the chaos, I could've sworn I see a man that looked just like Leon. Stress and delusion go hand in hand" I laughed out whilst shaking my head at my own ridiculous thought. Leon was gone and he wasn't here for Arabella during one of the most scariest moments of her life.

"She's alone in there".

Hank sat himself down next to me and looked at the door.

"You know, if you put on a pair of scrubs you could probably sneak in and no-one will say anything. You could pretend to be another surgeon if anyone asks" Hank smirked.

"You think I'd pass for a surgeon?" I scoffed at his idea.

"Well, unbeknowst to all these people, you technically are, given our line of work. After last week's work, I'd say either a trauma or orthopaedic surgeon. Maybe a dentist?" Hank laughed lightly.

"You fucker" I laughed back in response to his absurd ideas.

"I couldn't anyway, that clown is making sure I don't do anything stupid" I glared at the security guard that had been posted out the operating theatres door.

"Yeah you, I'm talking about you" I shouted out to the security guard.

"I'm sorry, my brother is very stressed. Now shut up before they throw you out all together" Hank scolded me, his fingers clicking in front of my eyes as he tried to break the tense glaring between myself and the idiot security guard.

"Let's just focus on something else because I don't think they will be done anytime soon" Hank added as he forced me to take a sip of the coffee.


I'm truly sorry - graphic scene ahead. Get your tissues ready.

"Mr Boewen".

Looking up in shock, I looked up to see the same surgeon standing before me with a sad forlorn expression on her face. 

"Sir, I'm so very sorry, but"-

Immediately jumping up and running past the doctor, I knew what those words meant. I knew someone had died.

Running past all of the theatre staff, I stood in front of a theatre door that had my wife's bloodied clothes bagged up outside next to a bed.

"Mr Boewen, please don't go inside" the doctor shouted, but nothing would stop me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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