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Based on a true story.

All events are based on real life experiences. All names have been changed for the privacy of those involved.

This is a short story based on the events that occurred on the Summer of 2013 about two childhood friends that only talk to each other through a screen and they fall for each other instantly. Well.... not technically. But if you read it, you'll find out.

This chapter will be short since it's a prologue.



"The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling."

Welcome to the story of my thoughts.
Welcome to the story of my feelings. Welcome to my world.

My name is Amanda Cole, a fifteen year old hopeless romantic and I fell in love for the first time in my life. Okay, it probably wasn't love but at the time, I thought it was.

This story is based on true events that happened to me over the Summer of 2013.

It's not your usual 'boy meets girl and fall in love' story. It's more of a 'boy talks to girl online because they knew each other from childhood and they just happen to fall in love but not really' story.

I can tell you it will be filled with my conversations I had with my childhood friend who I started to keep in contact with after eight whole years.

This story will be based on my thoughts, feelings and how it all occurred.

I won't lie, it wont be filled with rainbows and unicorns but if you read along to my journey, you will see my point of view of how I see things.

Read inside my thoughts and you'll know what I mean.



When you reconnect with someone you once knew after a long time, it can truly bring back your childhood. He was like no other, the person who made my head spin around and the person who made my heart stop beating.


20th of December, 2006.


"Amanda? Come on, we're going to be late." My mum called out.

"Coming!" I yelled back in my childlike voice. I was very excited, I loved long road trips and meeting old friends.

I quickly ran out of my room and outside to the car waiting for it to be unlocked. Hurry up! I wanna go!

"You're finally ready." My mum said as she locked the house and walked towards the car as she unlocked it as well. I hopped into the back with a bag full of food and we headed off for an hours drive to Hamilton which was in New Zealand.

I started opening the chip packets and started munching away until I could no longer fit anything in my stomach. I was full but I wanted to eat more! These car rides took ages and I got bored easily. I was jumping up and down as we nearly reached our destination, who knew I'd be this impatient as a child and I still was as a teenager.

I wanted someone to play with. Being an only child, living alone with my mum, I would get bored and I would want some friends to play with. It did take forever but, we finally arrived at my mums friends house, we have been coming here for ages and she also has a son I could play with. I was happy because he was a cool boy to watch movies with. We played with each other every time my mum and I visited. I did feel sorry for him at times because his mum was a little bit mean to him she would always yell at him for stupid things.

I unbuckled my seat belt and hopped out of the car and I wiped the crumbs off my pink dress as I followed mum to the door and she knocked.

"Caroline!" My mum's friend smiled as they hugged each other.

"Nice to see you again, Melissa." Mum said with a smile.

"And look how big Amanda has gotten!" Melissa said with a grin, looking down on me.

"I'm seven." I said proudly.

"Well you better come on in, Brandon is in the living room." Melissa told me as she led us into her nice house. I followed the pathway as our mums were in the dining room chatting about their lives, how boring.

I finally reached the living room with a smile plastered all over my face. Brandon was eight and we had known each other since we were babies, our mums met at where my mum used to work before she had me.

"Hi, Brandon!" I said happily, grinning.

"Hi, Amanda. Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked.

Brandon had dark blond hair and he was a little taller than me and we got along so well that we could be siblings. "Yes, please!" I said as he got out his DVD collection.

"What movie?" He asked me, searching through.

"What do you have?" I asked as I walked over near the TV where he was kneeling down. He showed me his DVD collection and he had a lot. I scanned through them all and I found it hard to choose one.

"That one." I pointed to the round shaped disk. It was Shark Boy and Lava Girl. I loved that movie, it was so fun to watch. He smiled as he placed the disk into the DVD player.

We sat in front of the mini TV and we began to watch the movie. I truly enjoyed spending time with my friend that I had known for ages. Since we were children and even though we didn't see each other often, we were pretty close.

What an easy life, no drama and definitely no problems.


Stick around on this journey and follow Amanda and Brandon as they grow older and reconnect with different lives than they had before.

Sorry again that it's a short chapter but to make up for it, check out a song at the top that relates to this story (or what could have been) I was shocked when I heard it and you'll understand it too when you finish this story.

In every chapter, there will be a YouTube video added of some song that relates to the situation. Listen to them. They're good.

And thank you for choosing this story. It means a lot to me and I hope you like it.
Much love, Sarah!

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