Chapter nine: Skype?

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Chapter nine: Skype?

You knew damn well what you were doing and you knew it was ripping me apart.


It was just normal messaging. It was the normal conversation you had every day. Except he was still doing the kisses at the end of his sentences. I tried not to do that, he was leading me on and I didn't want to do the same but I felt bad so I just added the one kiss.

Why was he doing this to me?

17th of January, 2014.


I was currently at my dad's place, doing nothing as always.

Me: Hey. Um, do you have a skype?

Amanda, why on earth would you ask him that? I couldn't believe I had asked him that. Idiot. I knew that I would get nervous if I ever saw his face, I hated to Skype. I was only comfortable with people I knew, not someone I only talked to online.

Him: I sure do!

Me: Haha, okay :)

I didn't know why I replied with that because no he was obviously going to ask for my username. Well done, Amanda.

Him: Yeah, what's your skype name?

Knew it. I told him my username and now I felt really nervous. What if he wanted to video chat? I would die if that happened. I would probably look like crap and he would look so cute and I would die because I sucked at starting a conversation. He told me his username and I was guessing he wanted to add me.

I jumped on Skype and I added him. Once he accepted, I saw his cute profile picture. I wondered what it would be like to see his face and to hear his voice.

Him: I'll video chat you tomorrow :)

My heart pounded hard in my chest, my palms were becoming sweaty and I was thinking of all the possible scenarios in my head.

Me: Do you think it'll be awkward? I mean, we have only chatted online and never video chatted.

Him: First time for everything :)

Me: I wonder what your voice sounds like?

Him: Deep and sexy ;) jks

I melted inside. Of course you did, you're head over heals for him.

Me: Hahahaha, it probably is.

Him: Haha, I'm going to go to bed soon :P

Me: Awwww, okay.

It was actually really nice talking to him this time. It felt like forever since that happened.

Him: Yeah, you should do the same young women ;) x

Me: Hahaha I'm not tired and my friend and I are making up a story :P

It was true, my other friend Hannah and I were making up are story on Facebook chat.

Him: Oh, cool.

Yeah, it was cool.

He said his goodnights and doing major kisses at the end. Please, stop. You're killing me inside.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I was so nervous and I wasn't ready. It was now or never.


18th of January, 2014.

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