Chapter three: This Was My Reality.

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Chapter three: This Was My Reality.

If I don't love myself, who will?

27th of December, 2013.


After I said that, I felt my whole world change into a light of happiness. Someone loved me. Me. The girl who never had a boyfriend before. The girl who wasn't girlfriend material. He was perfect. Thank you God, for bringing us together again.

Charlotte was really happy for me and we stopped talking as she had to go to sleep as it was past midnight. Already? I was red in the face and smiling like an idiot. I was feeling a bit sick though which had ruined it.

Him: Aww :*

We didn't make it official but, I didn't really care. I was actually happy after a crappy year. Let 2014 be an amazing year full of memories that I would cherish forever.


We were still talking and making great conversation but after a while, it was just the usual conversation. I still got an amazing feeling every time I spoke to him. He replied really fast and it made me feel like he actually wanted to talk to me. Like I was the only one he talked to. It was a great feeling. I felt wanted.

My palms went sweaty and my face went red as usual as he told me that he was leaving for camp tomorrow. Damn, but at least I could text him. I started to ask him questions just to get to know him better.

Me: Anything else I should know about you? Lol

I hoped that was not a stupid question. Why did I put 'Lol' at the end? I would never know.

Him: Haha, I'm really attactive ;)

I blushed like crazy. Yes, yes you are, you cute boy that I wanted to kiss so badly that I would walk to Hamilton if I could. Before I replied to that cute message, he added something else.

Him: But you already knew that :P

I giggled quietly to myself.

Me: Haha, I know that already <3 hahaha.

I smiled, happy with my reponse.

Him: Awww, haha yeah <3

We started sending each other stickers and hearts and 'xxx' again. I guess we didn't know what to say, was that werid? It was cute, he started it after all; I just went along with it.

I started asking him more random questions just to make the conversation going because I didn't want it to end. I asked him his favouite animal, if he had any pets and stuff like that. It turned out, we both loved cats.

Him: Do you have a snapchat?

Funnily enough, I just made one last month.

Me: Yeah :)

We exchanged our snapchat usernames. I got to see his face for the first time in eight years. I didn't get to see his profile picture anymore, I got to see an updated picture on what he looked like in that moment as he was talking to me.

Him: I sent you one :)

I smiled as I received it. I told him that I was  in the dark as my dad didn't know I was awake. My dad was really strict when it came to sleep.

My internet decided to hate me as I tried to send him one but, it kept loading until I gave up and explained to him how I had a shit internet connection. I hoped he didn't think that I didn't want to snapchat him and to think that I was making excuses. It was okay, we could snapchat later.

We chatted a little longer and it was really nice having someone different to talk to. I started to feel a little tired and I still felt sick.

I knew I should've been sleeping so I told him that I should go to sleep and that I was not feeling well. He didn't mind. He sounded sad that I was leaving though which made me want to talk to him more.

Him: Awwwwww, okay goodnight ily xoxo :*

He was making me go insane. Funny how one simple sentence can make your entire day spin around in a circle full of happiness.

Me: Ily too xx.

He did the thumbs up sign and before I left, I decided to tell him something

Me: Just to let you know, you made me the happiest girl alive :* see ya xox.

I smiled at that and I hoped it didn't sound too girly or needy.

Him: Awwww, I'm happy I did :* See ya xox.

I left it at that and switched off my iPod. I left it on charge and I fell into an endless dream of my reality until I felt really sick. I got out of my dark bedroom to find that my dad was still up.

I told him I was feeling sick and that he felt my forehead, it was burning up but, I didn't think it was because I was not feeling well.

"I'll go get some headache pills." He told me as I nodded.

Molly was sleeping and dad passed me the headache pills, I took two and I tried to go back to sleep. I finally got to sleep with a smile on my face and I let the memories of our conversation kick in.


I was up earlier than usual and I was feeling tired but, I soon forget about it when Brandon messaged me straight away.

Him: Morning xoxox :)

It was so nice that he wanted to talk to me, I felt so wanted for once.

Me: Morning :*

After a while, he finally messaged me back.

Him: Hey, I gtg but you can text me :* xx

I then realised that he must've been leaving for camp.

Me: Okay, have fun xox :*

I said that because I knew where he was going and I wanted him to have a good time.

Him: :*

And that was the last thing he sent before we changed into texting.

I had enough credit, thanks to mum. I got my pink Nokia phone out and I had to go out to see my nana in the retirement home with my sister and my dad. Such fun.

I took my phone with me, either waiting for a text or me sending him one first. I had no idea what I should do.

I sat in the back as Molly complained that she never got to sit in the front. I was slouching in my seat as we arrived at the home where our nana stayed.

I felt my phone vibate before I got out of the car and I smiled at the name on my screen.

It read: Brandon.

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