Fang 1: Cross Academy

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Cross Academy was rebuilt as Day and Night students entered the school grounds with their luggages and belongings.

"I'm so excited!"

"Yeah! Do you think we'll get to see the elusive Night Class? I heard there's one of the most handsome!"

"Forget handsome! Gorgeous is more like it!"

Zero rolled his eyes at the numerous girls he walked by.

"Of course, they never change."

Zero Kiryu was a Vampire Hunter of the Kiryu Clan, one of the best hunters in the Hunters Society.

He was hoping that this year could go by without too many troubles. Though it would be different without Yuki.

Yuki Kuran was a human girl until she found out she was actually a pureblood. The Kuran family's princess to be exact.

Yuki joined her brother, Kaname Kuran, who was also her fiancé.

He assumed that she wouldn't come back to school for reasons relating to her alleged marriage, so when he found out she was going to be attending, he was surprised.

Though that also meant, Kuran was also attending.

Zero had gotten used to the presence of the alleged vampire king mostly out of the exhaustion of staying angry at the guy.

Anyway, there was nothing he could do about it.

While Yuki cared about him, she ultimately chose Kuran. It made sense. It worked in favour of her fairytale dream after all.

Zero decided for this school year, he was going to avoid drama as much as he could. He couldn't be bothered to worry about others this time round.

Suddenly, a sharp pain ran through his body as a painful thirst built up in his throat.

"Ah, right. Almost forgot about this plague."

Zero gripped his throat as he forcefully swallowed.

One other thing about Zero was that he was Level D Vampire. After being bitten by the pureblood vampire princess, Hio Shizuka, he was cursed to be a bloodthirsty vampire.

Lots of the vampires of the academy drink a substitute called Blood Tablets. Unfortunately, they seem ineffective to lower level vampires like him.

The only way for him to be a stable vampire would be for him to drink the blood of his creator, but she has been dead for years now.

Zero sighed as the pain dissipated.

"This is going to be a long year."

Once Zero has his things settled down in his room, he decided to take a walk around the new school to get familiar with everything again.

He sat down near a tree next to the waters as he took in the calm atmosphere.

"Hey look, it's the Level E." said a voice as Zero looked to his left to see a familiar male blond vampire and a taller orange-haired male vampire next to him.

"Aido-san. Kain." Zero said as he turned away from them.

"Oh, come on, Kiryu. Surely, you can do better than that." The blond boy, Aido, said tauntingly.

Zero only rolled his eyes.

Then, he sensed more familiar presences.

Ruka Souen.

Senri Shiki.

Rima Toya.

And... Yuki.

Zero looked around himself.

"Alright, come out. I know you're there." Zero called out as four vampires came out of the trees.

A female vampire with long soft brown hair, a male vampire with deep reddish hair, a female vampire with orange blonde hair tied in cute twin-tails, and finally, a shorter female vampire with long brown hair.

Zero stood up as turned to walk away.

"Zero, wait!" called the voice that belonged to the brown haired vampire girl.

"Yuki." Zero said, making the girl stop.

Zero turned to her with a tired look on his face.

"I already told you, I don't want to see you anymore. My life doesn't concern you anymore." Zero said.

"Geez, Kiryu-san. You're too intense. Yuki-sama has a proposal that would interest you." Kain said as Zero turned back to the vampire group.

"What I wanted to tell you, Zero, is that my brother, Kaname, has recovered some of the blood of Hio Shizuka." Yuki said carefully as Zero looked at her passively.

This news stunned Zero as he paused in thought.

"Blood of Hio Shizuka?" he wondered.

"What does that have to do with me?" Zero asked skeptic.

"Well, it should be obvious. You get to drink the blood and no longer be close to being a Level E vampire." Aido said with a casual shrug.

"Well, your precious Kaname-sama wouldn't just give me the blood for no reason or price. What does he want from me now?" Zero asked as he rubbed space between his eyes, only imagining the headache waiting for him.

"Well, you see, you're going to have to ask him, yourself, Kiryu." Ruka said icily.

Zero looked confused back at her before sighing.

"Alright. If what you're saying is true, I will go see Kuran." Zero said as he started for Moon Dormitory.

"Actually, Kaname has asked for us to escort you to the Moon Dorms." Shiki said making Zero pause.

Zero looked back at the vampires.

"Can I ask why?" Zero asked.

"No one knows." Kain said, shrugging.

Zero sighed before falling in step with the vampires as he walked with them to the Moon Dormitory.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I always loved the Vampire Knight anime since its aesthetic was everything you wanted in a paranormal vampire story. Zero is my personal favourite character! Though I wish this setting had a great plot to go with it.

The picture you can find with this link:

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