Fang 7: Where is Zero?

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Kaname was sleeping at his desk as a dream entered his subconsciousness. 

Kaname was standing as he turned his head to see Zero standing with his back to Kaname. 

Kaname smiled as he walked up to Zero, reaching out his hand to touch his shoulder.

He turned Zero around to look shocked as Zero was crying with red bloodshot eyes, dried tear streaks on his face and his fangs biting into his lips. 

Zero gasped as he started to cry again. 

Kaname gathered him in his arms, pulling him close and stroking his hair. 

"Zero, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Who hurt you?" Kaname asked frantically. 

", help me... I can't do this anymore..." Zero pleaded. 

"Anything I can do, I will help you, Zero. Just where are you? Where can I find you?" he asked, looking intently into Zero's eyes. 

Zero opened his mouth only to suddenly be grabbed away from Kaname as a mystery figure caged Zero in their grasp. The figure smiled a wicked grin, grasping Zero's neck and gripping hard causing the other boy to whimper and gasp. 

"Unhand him!" Kaname yelled as he tried to reach for Zero. 

"Too late! This boy is all mine, Kaname and there's nothing you can do about it!" the figure said as they laughed. 

Then, Kaname wakes up, shocked. 

"Zero!" Kaname exclaimed as he blinks, looking around himself before relaxing. 

"It's just a dream or is it?" Kaname thought as he gripped his hand into a fist. 

Kaname sighed as he pressed his hand into his face. 

The memories of how he treated Zero and how Zero retaliated passed through his mind. 

He knows they were never really friends and there's nothing that could change it. At the same time, he never stopped noticing Zero. 

Zero's strength. Zero's selflessness. Zero's kindness. Zero's love. 

Zero is so many things that is hard to believe how he didn't notice them sooner. 

Suddenly, a knock interrupted his thoughts. 

"Come in." he said. 

Aido, Kain, Shiki and Takuma came into the room. 

Kaname eyed them with interest as Shiki revealed the silver piercing in his hand. 

"I found this outside in the grass near the forests." Shiki said as Kaname stood up to pick up the piercing. 

"And how is this going to help us find Zero?" Kaname asked. 

"We can't use it. But I know someone who can." Takuma said. 

This made everyone curious. 

"Who might that be?" Aido asked. 

"A witch." 

Kaname, Takuma, Shiki, Rima, Aido, Kain and Ruka stand in front of a apartment building. 

"So, this is the building, Takuma?" Aido asked. 

"Yes. She is a young psychic." Takuma said as he opened the door, everyone else following him. 

"What's her name?" Shiki asked. 

"Beatrix." Takuma explained. 

They all entered the elevator as they went up to the 12th floor. 

Takuma knocked on the door that was labeled 212. 

There were footsteps as a slightly tall girl with curly hair opened the door, looking curiously at them. 

Her eyes settled on Takuma as she smiled brightly. 

"Hey, Takuma. These are your friends?" She asked, pointing to them. 

"It's interesting to see vampires with supernatural powers. That's not typical." She said. 

"Well, we really need your help if you're not too busy?" Takuma asked. 

The girl looked behind herself, seemingly in thought, biting her lip. 

She looked outside of them before opening the door wider. 

"Please come in quickly." She said, ushering them inside. 

Once there were inside, they were lead into a living room. 

"Was there something you needed?" She asked curious. 

"We are looking for a friend. I heard you can find missing people by using any items they had to track them." Takuma said, pulling out the silver earring. 

"Oh, this one is good for that spell. Let's see..." 

Beatrix held the earring in her hand as she closed her eyes, making a black magic circle outlined by a violet aura, appeared under her feet. The earring started to levitate in her hand, glowing a violet colour. 

"It's showing me a dark room... I see your friend. He glows a distinct colour. He-" Beatrix started to say only to cut herself off. She looked nervous and concerned. 

Once, the spell faded and Beatrix opened her eyes, she looked worried and perplexed. 

"Your friend is a carrier and he needs help." Beatrix said making Kaname tense as the room became cold and the furniture started to shake and vibrate. 

Author Notes: 

Hello Readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you like my oc. They are my new magical characters. I didn't think I would introduce them in this story but here we are!  Also Zero is a carrier vampire, confirmed! 

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