Fang 9: Finding Zero

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Warning some sexual content implication!

Zero awkwardly avoided everyone's eyes on him as he tried to keep himself calm and not panic.

Zero was dressed in white lingerie and put on display as he ordered to pose like a "carrier" vampire.

He wanted to fight, but they were going to get more physical if he didn't, so he gave in.

"This is the most humiliating experience I've ever had." Zero thought disgusted.

It seemed like all kinds of creatures beside vampires came to ogle him.

"I have to get out of here somehow..." Zero muttered.

"Alright, I'm ready." Beatrix said as she laid out the silver weapons on the grass.

"Once I do this, I won't be able to hear or see you guys. I'll just walk in whatever direction the weapons led me." Beatrix said.

All who were present nodded.

Beatrix made her hand glow a violet colour as her magic surrounded her. She did some complicated hand signs before pointing to the weapons.

The weapons floated in the air as Beatrix controlled them. Her eyes seemed to glow a violet colour as the glow covered her eyes, showing no pupils or irises.

She didn't move before slowly walking in a particular direction.

"Keep an eye on her." Kaname ordered to his inner circle.

Aido and Takuma nodded as the two walked beside Regina as the group followed them.

Beatrix walked very carefully yet very stiffly. Aido curiously snapped his fingers near her ears, receiving no reaction.

"She really can't hear us huh?" Aido asked.

"It seems so." Takuma said.

The group was watching Beatrix closely, except Ruka who was talking quietly into the phone in her hand.

"Yuki, they are getting closer to where Zero is."

Yuki was sitting in the crowd as she smirked. 

"I wouldn't worry Ruka. Zero's not going anywhere." 

She watched Zero as he got up to leave the stage.

"Watch your back, Zero or you'll get what's coming to you." Yuki muttered evilly.

When Zero made it back to his cage, he was relieved in a way. Now, no one was looking at him like he was their next meal.

He shuddered at the thought.

Then, he heard a sound as he turned his head to see a pair of eyes in the shadows of the dark room.

A figure came out of the shadows.

It was Kaname.

"Kuran?" Zero asked, confused.

"Yes, It's me. Come on, I'm here to rescue you." "Kaname" said as he unlocked the cage before helping Zero get out.

Kaname reached out his hand as Zero grabbed it as he is pulled up.

Kaname hugs him which surprises him as he blushes a little.

"Uh, Kaname? Are you okay?" He asks embarrassed.

"Kaname" hides his face in Zero's shoulder as a wicked grin appeared on his lips, showing sharp teeth.

"Everything is fine." "Kaname" said as he looks at Zero with a gentle expression when he pulls back.

"Now, let's go. Everyone is waiting." "Kaname" said as he leads Zero out of the dark room.

The group of vampires were led to a rather large building like a mansion even.

Beatrix came to a stop as she blinked, her eyes no longer glowing. Her eyes were back to being a dark colour.

"He's here but his presence is fading." Beatrix said as she looked around. The silver weapons were her hands.

Kain looked inside the building to grimace as a look of irritation and disgust makes it way onto his face.

"It's a slave auction." Kain said.

The atmosphere darkens as Kaname grew murderous.

"We have to find him." Kaname said.

"Kuran, where are you leading me? This isn't the exit." Zero asked as "Kaname" led him through the building's hallways.

"Oh, I found a quicker escape while I was here." "Kaname" said.

Zero raised an eyebrow at that.

He was led to a room.

"Kaname" opened the door.

"This way." He said.

Zero curiously entered the room to see it's a bedroom.

"What escape?" Zero asked before he hears the door close and he is tackled onto the bed by "Kaname".

"What the hell?" Zero exclaimed as he is pinned onto the bed.

"Damn, you are as gorgeous as they say." "Kaname" says in a different voice.

"You're not... Kuran." Zero said.

"Now, you know sweetheart!~ I'm surprised you didn't figure out earlier. But I guess from what you saw, you didn't think, huh? Tell me, is Kaname Kuran someone of importance? Someone special?" The imposter asked as he lightly ran a clawed hand down Zero's face.

Zero pulled his face away from the hand as best as he could as he glared.

"Get the hell off me, asshole." Zero hissed as his eyes darkened in anger and irritation.

"Oh, I like it when they are feisty~" The imposter said as the appearance of Kaname faded to reveal an attractive male with messy brown hair and piercing blue eyes that colour of cobalt.

"Just what are you?" Zero asked as his face is cupped aggressively.

Then, the other male kisses him, sticking his tongue in Zero's mouth.

Zeros' eyes widen as he struggled against the other's strength and grip.

He bit on his tongue with his teeth making the other male flinch as he pulled away from Zero.

The other male laughs dryly as he licks his lips.

"You're going to regret that." He muttered as he rips the lingerie off Zero, pinning his arms behind his back.

Author Notes:

Hello, readers! So, we are getting closer to Kaname and Zero reuniting! Hope you enjoyed! See you soon! Also yes, Ruka is the traitor and mole in the group. Also, this new character I have no idea what he is and what to name him. Suggestions would be fun!

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