Fang 2: Night Class

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The walk to the Moon Dormitory was awkward and quiet as Zero stayed close to the Night Class to be seen but far enough that starting conversation would be difficult. 

"I wish I had some pocky right now." Shiki said as he looked at Rima. 

"It's not my fault you ate them all." Rima said. 

"Now's not the time for pocky! We have an important mission!" Aido cried out in triumph. 

"What could be so important about bringing Kiryu to Kaname-sama? That bothersome pest doesn't even acknowledge him!" Ruka said stiffly. 

"Guys, let's not argue in front of Kiryu, alright?" Kain said sighing at his group. 

Everyone looked at Zero as he looked at them before a smile makes its way across his lips. 

Zero chuckles. 

"So, the esteemed Night Class still argue like plenty of high schoolers?" Zero said as he walked ahead of the Night Class. 

The Night Class went quiet as they all had one thought in their minds. 

"Did Kiryu just smile? What insanity is this?" 

Once the group had made it to the Moon Dorms, the door opened to reveal the Vice-President of the Night Class, Ichijo Takuma. 

"Welcome, Kiryu-san. I hope your journey up here wasn't too stressful?" Takuma said eyeing the Night Class carefully. 

"No, not more difficult than usual. I have dealt with them before." Zero said, looking at the Night Class before walking into the moon dorms with the rest of Night Class following. 

"Well, you settle down here while I go tell Kaname-sama you're here." Takuma said as he walked upstairs to the dorms. 

Zero settled near the wall where the fire place was the closest to take in the warmth of the fire. 

He closed his eyes as he settled into a calm almost sleep-like trance. 

Kaname Kuran was in his room, looking through the amount of paperwork he had piled up on his desk from the Vampire Council. 

They weren't too happy about Cross Academy being reinstated as they felt it was dangerous to the secrecy of vampires and to any accidents happening which would force the Hunters Society to come out. 

It seemed they decided to make his life harder in a slow misery. 

The ruffling of papers was interrupted by a knock at the door as he looked up to see Takuma coming through the door. 

"Ah, Takuma." 

"Kiryu-kun has arrived as you requested." Takuma said. 

Ah, right. 

You see, when Kaname had left the academy to be with Yuki, a lot of things came up. 

One was that Kaname soon realized that while he loved and cared about Yuki, her presence and being didn't seem to be enough to fill the space in his heart. While Yuki was so in love with him, it seemed perhaps he wasn't as much.

After an important conversation, he decided to not to marry Yuki. This threw off everyone as they kept asking what he wanted. It dawned on him that the answer may not be even in his grasp. 

It broke Yuki's sweet heart. 

"I understand Onii-san. I wouldn't want to force you. I won't stop fighting anyone for you though! You're mine to hold in my heart!" Yuki proclaimed.

Kaname sighed. 

Now that he had the revelation that Yuki may not be his soulmate, now the question was who? 

He wished to know how did vampires find their soulmates, their one and only. It seemed that was an inquiry he wished to be answered. 

Kaname stood up, looking at Takuma. 

"Alright, sent him to see me then." Kaname said as Takuma nodded in response. 

As Takuma left, he let himself get lost in his thoughts. 

Takuma left Kaname's room as he made his way downstairs to where he left the Night Class. 

He spotted Zero calmly standing by the fireplace. 

"Zero?" he called to the white haired male. 

Only Zero didn't respond as Takuma made his way closer to Zero before lightly shaking his shoulder, making Zero open his eyes before focusing on blond. 

"Kaname-sama is ready to see you." Takuma said. 

Zero nodded as he ran a hand through his hair. 

Zero pulled away from the wall as he started for the stairs to Kaname's dorm. 

Once Zero made it to Kaname's room, he paused. 

"What would Kuran want now?" Zero wondered. 

Kuran and he have never been on the greatest of terms. They hated each other mostly because of Yuki. She cared about both of them which why it was hard for her to pick either of them. 

Zero sighed as unpleasant memories started to resurface. 

"I am not your knight, damnit, Kuran! I will not be your pawn." 

Slowly, Zero opened the door to see Kaname Kuran standing where the windows were. 

He walked into the room, closing the door. 

Then, Kaname turned around to meet eyes with Zero. 

"Kiryu, it's been a while hasn't it?" Kaname said as he eyed the form of Zero.

"I guess. Though, why would you care?" Zero responded as he crossed his arms. 

Kaname took in the appearance of Zero. 

His silver hair was still as stunning as it was always. His eyes shone with the same strength and determination. Though he did look skinnier than he usually did. 

"Do you even remember to drink?" Kaname asked teasingly. 

Zero gave Kaname an annoyed look. 

"Do I look like I want to be a cruel bloodsucker? I can't take blood tablets either." Zero said. 

"Well, your problems are about to be solved." Kaname said. 

"Or so you say." Zero said. 

Kaname chuckled as he walked to his desk to pull out a vial of red liquid, holding it up to Zero. 

Zero paused to take in the vial, pointing to it. 

"Is it really blood of... her?" Zero said quietly. 

"As real as when she was killed." Kaname said. 

Zero walked closer to reach for the vial. 

But Kaname quickly pulled it away from his grasp. 

Zero chuckled darkly. 

"I knew you weren't going to make it easy for me." Zero said as a dark glare fell on his face. 

"What is it that you want?" Zero asked as he pulled away from Kaname, looking away. 

"I want you to join the Night Class." Kaname said. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Kaname and Zero truly were the most entertaining thing of the show. The only thing to get invested in. 

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