Chapter 13: Transformation

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When Zero woke up the next morning, he was given a surprise he wasn't exactly ready for. 

Zero opened his eyes to see strands of his hair covering his face as he pushes it away from his face. 

His hair covered his face, reaching all the way down to his hips. 

"What? What happened?" 

Zero got off his bed as he went to the bathroom to try to tame his hair before finding the Headmaster. 

"Cross!" Zero exclaimed as he found Kaien Cross in a weird position of trying to replace a book into a bookshelf while balancing carelessly on a ladder. 

Cross ungracefully fell onto the floor as Zero stared. 

"What do I owe this visit from my precious son-" Cross started to say before Zero interrupted. 

"First of all, I am not your son, Second, my hair is weird." Zero answered curtly. 

Cross looked at Zero who released his hair from its confines of the hair tie. 

"Well, you know you're a carrier vampire, correct?" Cross asked. 

"Yes, I know that." 

"Carrier vampires were known for being the most beautiful and desirable of all vampires. That includes everything from having long hair to pleasant pheromones." Cross explained. 

Zero stared at his hair before sighing. 

"I can cut my hair right?" Zero asked. 

"No, I'm afraid not. Your hair would simple grow back just as long. That's how your genes work." Cross explained. 

Zero only groaned before walking back to his dorm room to get ready for the day. 

"What's taking Zero so long?" Kaname wondered as he waited for Zero with the rest of the night class. 

After a moment, Shiki and Rima left to go find Zero. 

Then, a moment later, Shiki came back and whispered something to Takuma. 

Then, the two left. 

Then, Takuma came back and Aido and Kain followed after him when Takuma gestured to them. 

"What the hell was going on? Why are they not telling me?" Kaname wondered. 

After a moment, Kaname quickly went up stairs with Ruka following after him. 

"Ruka, you don't have to come." Kaname said quietly. 

Ruka shook her head in response. 

"Nonsense, Kaname-sama." She said. 

When Kaname opened the door to Zero's room, he was greeted with a sight where all of his inner circle was holding hair styling tools and hair products. 

Rima was trying to style Zero's long hair who kept yelling out in pain and irritation. 

Kaname tried to not smile at everyone. 

It was kind of sweet how everyone was trying to help Zero. 

"Quit yanking out his hair, Rima!" Aido shouted. 

"Unless you want to try, shut up." Rima answered. 

Ruka watched kind of surprised but could help but wince at Rima roughly trying to brush Zero' hair.

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