Fang 10: Innocence Lost

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Warning because it's about to get dark and scary... So, if you don't like sexual assault or r*pe smut uh, don't read! please! I don't want to scare people away! Also violence! 

The vampire group decided to sneak in through the back to avoid detection as they followed Regina as she led them to where Zero was. 

Suddenly, a scream pierced through Kaname's head as he flinches and jolts back. Takuma grabs his arm to stabilize him. 


Kaname is quiet as he gives Regina a calm look which unnerves her. 

"Keep going, we need to find Zero." He said calmly but everyone could feel the dangerous energy coming off in waves. 

Zero cried as the other male forcefully pushed into him. He was pinned down as he cried and moaned. 

"So tight~" The other male groaned. 

Zero was hurting all over as he was bitten all over from his neck to his nipples to his hips and thighs. The bite marks bleed slightly. 

The other male gripped onto his hips, stopping him from pulling away. 

Zero struggled as his arms were pinned behind his back. 

"Stop... please..." Zero begged as he gasped painfully. 

After a moment, the other male comes inside him as he groans and Zero screams, arching his back. 

That moment, the door slams open as the climax commences. 

The other male turns his head to see a brown haired male standing in the doorway. 

"Who are you? Is there something you want?" He asked, only to suddenly to be strangled by the neck and pinned to the wall. 

"You sicken me so much so." The other male said as he choked his neck. 

He choked, gasping. 

"Kaname... it's not worth it." Takuma said. 

Kaname didn't respond as he tightened his grip before throwing the other male as he went through a window, falling outside.

Kaname released a breath before he quickly went to Zero who was still crying and sobbing. 

"Zero? It's me, it's Kaname." He said softly. 

Zero continued to cry, shaking his head back and forth, side to side. 

"Stop, please. No more. I can't." 

"Zero, open your eyes! I beg of you." Kaname pleaded. 

Zero hesitatingly opened his eyes to see Kaname. 

Zero started to cry again as he hugged Kaname tightly, crying into his chest. 

"Kaname, please. I want to go home. Please, I can't take it anymore." Zero begged. 

"It's going to okay, Zero, I promise." Kaname vowed as he kissed Zero on the forehead, stroking his silver hair. 

Zero continued to cry until he fell asleep. 

Ruka watched with jealously and anger as Kaname comforted Zero, whispering sweet nothings. 

"Why would he still want Zero? He's tainted and defiled." Ruka thought as she left, making the others confused except Regina. 

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