Fang 3: New Prefect

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Zero looks at Kaname strangely. 

"Why would you want me to join the Night Class?" Zero asked. 

"Well, for one thing, whether you like it or not, you are considered a vampire. By keeping you in Night Class, you can safely continue to school year for yourself and everyone else." 

"Of course." Zero said, rolling his eyes. 

"Well, you can always go back to struggling to keep yourself sane until you revert to Level E." Kaname said. 

Zero only glared at Kaname before sighing. 

"Well, I would have to go get my stuff sorted again." Zero said. 

"I'm sure the others in Night Class can help you." Kaname said, making Zero give him a "are you kidding?" look. 

"I'm serious. They won't say no to my orders." Kaname said. 

"That's exactly what I don't like." Zero said, still not looking at Kaname. 

"You ordering people around like they can't choose for themselves. I don't want to be ordered around." Zero said, pointing to his own heart before putting his hand back down at his side. 

"What would you have me do then?" Kaname asked. 

"Well, since they are your inner circle, they should trust your judgement. If I want help, I want that help freely given , not ordered around." Zero said. 

"Hmm..." Kaname simply dropped the vial into Zero's hand. 

"By accepting this vial, I shall see you soon." Kaname said. 

Zero only nodded. 

Zero stepped away from Kaname before turning away from him to disappear behind the doors. 

Kaname watched him go as he smirked. 

"Never changed that hunter..." 

When Zero got back to his dorm, he sat down at his desk as he held the vial of blood in front of his face. 

Then, Zero got up from the chair to go to his bathroom. He stared at the mirror as he looked at himself in the mirror. 

He looked the same as always, the same silver hair and the same lavender eyes that were identical to his deceased brother. Though this time he could also see the strain on his face and physique. 

"I guess no blood does this to a vampire, huh?" Zero thought. 

Zero carefully opened the vial of blood as the smell of blood filled the room. The blood swirled in the vial as his vampire self awakened, his eyes glowing red and fangs lengthening. 

He brought the vial to his lips, tipping back his head as the delicious blood poured into his mouth and down his throat. He gulped it down until none was left. 

Then, the vial fell from his hand as he felt more exhausted than usual. His eyes slowly closed as he fell only to be caught by a strong, firm body. 

"Sleep now, Zero..." 

When Zero woke up again, he drowsily opened his eyes to see a room he didn't recognize. The room was, for one thing, it was too big to be the Sun Dormitory and the furniture was too luxurious. 

"When did I fall asleep last night?" Zero wondered as he moved to get off the bed he was sleeping in when he looked down to see night clothes that he didn't recognize either. 

He felt the material and as he guessed, it felt like satin based on its appearance and feel. 

"This room is too luxurious to be the Sun dorms which means I am in the Moon dorms." Zero thought. 

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