Chapter 3: Meeting the Ladies

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(Y/N)'s POV

Well, this is it...New Zack Island. A fresh start to a vacation and waiting for it to end in a disaster. I mean, sure there are some ladies here that are nice but that doesn't mean that it will be easy. I just feel that they will grow to not like me because I'm the only guy here and might take advantage of what kind of person I am by walking all over me. I shouldn't let that happen! I want to be able to have a fun time like everyone else! I just need to think up of a way to gain the trust of these ladies and come up with fun activities that everyone can do besides the ones Zack has already prepared.

I watch as the ladies grab their things from the ground then went on their way to find their huts and roommates. Not knowing who Tina looks like, I just went straight ahead with my luggage, looking for the hut that is labeled with same number that is on my card, which is hut number 4. I found the huts after moving further away from where we landed and see that they are like the huts you see made of straw but it extends pretty far as if it has multiple rooms inside. So...I wonder how Zack even made that possible? I also notice that each hut is spread apart a few meters from each other, assuming it's to give the others privacy from anyone that isn't their roommate. There are also planks acting as paths leading to each hut, which I assume it's used to walk to your next door neighbor. In total, I count 6 huts in the area. And I have to admit, this is good spot to have them at since they are close to the ocean and I can bet that it gives the best view. Now that I think about it, if Zack knew that I was going to be left by myself with these women, why didn't Zack make an extra just for me? Perhaps he didn't had it planned out for me first. Doesn't matter now because I now have to share a hut with a wrestler's daughter...hope she's not like him in personality.

I go to the hut number 1 then follow the path all the way until I make it to the fourth hut. I see that the door has opened so that means that Tina has arrived before me. Guess I should introduce myself to my new roommate for the time being. I walk through the open door and enter a bedroom with a bed on each side and a couch facing a window, more likely to just take in the view since there is no television. Then I also notice that there is a door on both sides of the hut, which explains the extension of each hut, maybe separate bathrooms. I will take it. And how I know they are bathrooms because on my right as I enter, a blonde haired woman with a large bust and toned body walks out wearing a bikini with a American flag design and a cowboy hat. That has got to be Tina...she's gonna hurt me if she ever heard me say this but she's really hot! But...also looks cute too.

My face goes red when I see her and my hands got weak that I dropped my luggage. Even though she saw me come in, the sound of my stuff drop on the ground spooked her. Tina calms down after a second and look at me oddly. "Are you alright, stranger?" She asks me, her accent sounding southern. She is definitely a country girl...that is a bonus. I nod quickly and pick up my things, embarrassed about my reaction. "Y-Yeah. I-I'm sorry. T-The flight took the wind out of me." I say, lying through my teeth since I didn't want her to think of me as a creep if I told her what I think about her as soon as I first laid eyes on her. Tina raises an eyebrow at me, seeming to not believe me but she shrugs her shoulders. "Right...anyway, you're (Y/N) right?" She asks, smiling softly while putting a hand on her hip. "I know this because you're the guy that'll watch over us and plus...the only guy that gets to sleep in the same room with the famous Bass Armstrong's daughter." She says the last bit with a chuckle. I rub the back of my neck. "Y-Yeah, that's right. A-And you're Tina...p-please to meet you." I say softly before I extend my hand out to shake her hand. Tina smiles and take my hand with a tight grip and shaking it a bit hard. She lets go of my hand and my hand feels sore. I haven't even fought her before and I can already tell she has quite the strength. "So um...y-you're Bass Armstrong's daughter, huh? I took him on at the tournament before we arrived here." I say. Tina sighs and rolls her eyes. "I do wish that you haven't reminded me of that..." She says, seeming irritated. "I apologize...let's just say that my dad and I aren't really the same people think that we are. I will leave it at that." She tells me. I rub my arm gently and look away. "I-I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I say to her softly. Tina sighs softly and gently pat my shoulder, which caught me by surprise. I look up at her. "It's alright. You just wanted to have a nice conversation." She tells me before moving her hand away. "But maybe another time. I do want to spend my day relaxing at the beach but maybe tonight I can make some time to talk." She says before taking a bag from her bed then went to leave the hut. She turns to me at the door and give a smile. "See you soon, (Y/N)." She says before heading out.

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