EP 12 Chapter 5

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While four of us continuing on our adventure, we all slept in the cave as we lied down on a big bear with fire camp tonight.
The next morning later, King Gojong have gathered all the rookie court ladies in his living room to choose who to promote.
Yang Chun Gi was also here to participate the test too.

King Gojong: "I will decide who to promote first and 8 of you will be among as the Jubyeongung rank."

As he said to all of the girls.

King Gojong: "You, what is your name and tell me any poem?"

As he asked a random rookie girl.

Haemyeong: "Yes, I'm Haemyeong, Park Haemyeong from Miryang Park clan."
"The poem I know was An Ode to the Goose from Tang Dynasty and it was written by Luo Binwang, Jeonha."

A rookie girl said.

King Gojong: "Then can you recite that poem for me?"

He asked.

Haemyeong cleared her throat and to say it in Hanja now.

Haemyeong: "鹅、鹅、鹅,




As she said in Hanja words way than in Korean.

King Gojong: "Yes, what does the riddle said in Joseon?"

He asked.

Haemyeong: "Yes, it means Goose, goose, goose,

You bend your neck towards the sky and sing.

Your white feathers float on the emerald water,

Your red feet push the clear waves."

She answered.
Other court ladies is writing a notebook down with a paintbrush to see who will pass the test to become Junior 9th rank in this Gyeongbuk palace.

King Gojong: "Very good, what is your name?"

As he asked Chun Gi and Chun Gi got hiccup.

Chun Gi: "Pardon?"

As she lifted her chin up at His Majesty and she didn't hear him well.
His Majesty continuing to look at Chun Gi, Chun Gi looks a bit odd without any dignity manner.

Chun Gi: "Ah, I'm Chun Gi, Yang Chun Gi and I'm from Cheongju Yang clan."

As she replied with laugh.
Other court lady hissed angrily at Chun Gi and Chun Gi is remain silent.

King Gojong: "Yes, can you recite any poem?"

He asked.
Chun Gi is slowly thinking before replying to His Majesty.

Eunuch: "Oh ho, can't you reply to His Majesty?!"

As he yelled at her.

Chun Gi: "Oh my god, wait, I'm thinking, you old geezer!"

As she yelled at him back.

Eunuch: "Huh?!"

He shocked, as he blabbering and went speechless about Chun Gi's behavior.
Time skipped later, Chun Gi is crying alone in the rookie's room while some of her friends cheering her up.

Hwajung: "Just cheer up, you're not the only one who didn't pass the test?"

As she cheered Chun Gi up.
Chun Gi wailing and Hwajung sighing, Hwajung slapped her forehead of facepalming.

Ryujin: "Why she got so over worked up for?"
"It's not like you would die if you don't pass the test?"

As she's hitting Chun Gi's arm gently.

Hwajung: "It's okay, it's okay, we understand your feelings so let's go out for tavern to find something to eat?"

She suggested.

Chun Gi: "I don't have appetite! I don't understand what I did wrong that I couldn't pass the test!"

As she yelled with burst, continuing to sob.

Ryujin: "Then why did you blabbering in front of His Majesty? Was While The Clouds Gather Beneath Me that hard to recite?"

Chun Gi: "That's why it's so embarrassing!"

As she runs outside to run somewhere randomly.

Hwajung: "Chun Gi, wait!"

Chun Gi decided to run randomly but Hwajung and Ryujin continuing to chase Chun Gi around the palace.

Hwajung: "Chun Gi, wait!"

She panted, as she continuing to chase Chun Gi and Chun Gi runs randomly in the palace.

Ryujin: "Chun Gi really is a fast runner." "Chasing Chun Gi are like chasing a rat."

She panted, as she stops running to give up chasing Yang Chun Gi.
Poor Chun Gi, she decided to hang herself up by a rope when she is inside of the palace and to stand on a chair to tied a rope on her neck from the ceiling.

Chun Gi: "What's the point of being a court lady when I couldn't become a court lady anymore?"

She asked herself, with her sad and weak expression.

Chun Gi: "Please forgive me, mum and dad."

She sobbed, tears falling down from her eyes and she begin to close her eyes after she done tied a noose up on her neck.
Chun Gi kicks a chair off and she is committing suicide now.

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