Chapter 2

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A/n In this chapter, we go back in time and explore Draco's birthdays throughout the years and how the reader and Draco's relationship progressed during that time

Y/n remembered Draco once told her that someone out there must favour him because every year since they had met he had shared a pleasant moment alone with her on his birthday. She had been his girlfriend by then so she knew the date of his birthday, but for their first three years of schooling, she had no idea when it was. She couldn't recall any 'pleasant moments alone' with him in her first or second year so Draco began to explain.

When he had broken up with her, she wanted to forget any interaction she had ever had with him. Yet, in her first week back at school when she found herself alone in her dorm, she couldn't help but think about those interactions Draco had reminded her about. 

She had forgotten about this moment between them until Draco had mentioned it. Their first year had been wrapping up and she had already been on her adventure with her friends revolving around the Philosopher's Stone. Dumbledore had already written a letter to her parents to let them know what had happened and that she was fine but she had felt the need to write a letter to her parents herself. She had been on her way to the Owlery when she spotted Draco walking back from there with a couple of packages in his hands. He was staring at her with wide eyes and she had felt herself sigh. Y/n didn't feel like squabbling with the boy. So not wanting to ruin the good mood she had been in, she gave him a polite smile. She knew that she could end it there but he had stopped walking and she felt compelled to say something to him.

"It's a really nice summer's day, don't you think?" she commented as she walked passed him.

She hadn't really meant for him to reply so she didn't wait for one. She could've sworn that she heard a faint 'yeah' as she walked further away from him. That interaction had slipped her mind by the time she made it to the Owlery. That obviously wasn't the case for Draco who had sheepishly admitted to her that it had made his entire day. She had teased him before placing a sweet kiss on his lips. 

Their second year had been a rocky year for her and Draco. So he had informed her that second year was the exception, there had been no pleasant moment alone shared between the two. In fact, after everything that had happened in their second year, she didn't think that she would ever talk to Draco again. 

However, third year was a different story. She had felt like having some much-needed 'me time' so she had taken a book with her to the courtyard to soak up some sun. She had ended up sitting against a tree as she read, not expecting anyone to interrupt her. A shadow fell over her causing her to look up from her book. She was surprised to see Draco standing before her.

"Hi," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. He tried to smile but it came out looking more like a grimace.

She remembered being taken aback by how shy and unsure he seemed. It was so different from the cocky boy she knew him to be. She blinked before setting her book to the side, making note of what page she was on.

"Hi," she replied.

He shuffled on his feet, avoiding eye contact with her and mumbling. She couldn't hear a single word he was saying.

"What?" she asked.

She watched him take a deep breath before he made eye contact. She felt a shiver run down her spine at the shift in the air.

"I just wanted to say that... " he trailed off. His eyes danced across her face and she found herself holding her breath. "I think I'm beginning to understand."

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